Modern Day Cupid

In his day job, Charlie Maffie – better known as CharlieTheMatchmaker – helps men and women find lasting love. He advises clients start with a simple hello, stay positive and leave the games on the playground. He also warns against expecting Mr. or Ms. Perfect. “They don’t exist!” he insists.

It’s that kind of brutal honesty that has made CharlieTheMatchmaker one of today’s leading catch finders. He shares many of his tips in his new book, Love Made Easy with CharlieTheMatchmaker, in bookstores now.

Or, if you prefer your love lessons delivered through song, see the modern day cupid live in “Dear Charlie,” his cabaret show. He performs Asbury Park, April 21, and Manhattan, May 12.

How would you describe your “Dear Charlie” show? “Dear Charlie” is an evening of cabaret-styled songs and sass! I sing, tell some fun stories of my life as a matchmaker and even take some questions from the audience to help single peeps and those already in relationships learn a few tips.

These days finding love is as simple as tapping into an app on your smartphone.  Do gay men really need help finding love? Finding sex through an app is easy. Finding someone to enjoy a successful, long-term relationship with is not easy. That’s where I come in. The guys I work with are looking for serious love.

Where do most gay men go wrong in their search for Mr. Right? Too many gay men are living in a fantasy world. I recently sat down with a guy that pulled out his phone to show me photos of his perfect man. They were all photos he had taken from magazines! Guys with chiseled bodies, gorgeous hair and smiles, and frankly, all totally out of his league. I asked him to point to an attractive guy in the bar we were in. Even though there were several knock-outs he could have picked, he went to the magazine rack to show me his Mr. Right. My advice to guys is to take a more realistic approach to finding Mr. Right. Instead of salivating over models, pay attention to the guys around you that are actually attainable.

Are there single guys in Asbury Park? All I ever hear people say is that Asbury Park is filled with gay couples, and there are not enough single guys. My answer to them is you are not looking around you! Guess who comes to town to visit all of us old married guys? Single friends! And guess who comes to our BBQs and house parties? Single friends! Don’t discount starting a friendship with a married couple. You would be surprised how many single guys we know.

Where do all the eligible studs hang out in Asbury? Paradise and Georgie’s are the best gay bars in town, but there are tons of bars in town that cater to mixed clientele such as Watermark and Langosta Lounge. Besides the pool at The Empress, there’s also the pool at The Hotel Tides. I can’t tell you how many single guys I meet while I stop in to see Bob Egan host his open mic night at Moonstruck or Hotel Tides. And sure, there are lots of hot bodies at the beach, but don’t forget about the other events that AP has to offer. Revision Theatre puts on amazing productions throughout the entire year that always bring out the single theatre lovers in town.

Will you be pairing guys up at your show? You better believe it! CharlieTheMatchmaker never passes up an opportunity to make an introduction!

How do you know if two guys are compatible? It’s a sixth sense, or as I jokingly call it, a sexth sense. I sit down and meet each and every guy in my database and interview them face to face to determine their likes and dislikes, sexual preferences… When I meet two guys that I know are right for each other, bells and whistles go off in my head.

Does your show make a suitable first date? Hell yes! I have built my business on teaching everyone about open communication and positive energy, and that is what my show is all about!

///BY Joe Tomasulo

Charlie’s new book, Love Made Easy with CharlieTheMatchmaker, is available digitally and in paperback on, Barnes & Noble and other online retailers. He performs “Dear Charlie” on Sunday, April 21 at Tim McCloone’s Supper Club in Asbury Park and Sunday, May 12 at Laurie Beechman Theatre in NYC. For tickets, visit


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