Maddelynn Hatter


Maddelynn Hatter with Mariano – PHOTO BY WILSONMODELS

Pursing drag as an art for the past 12 years, Maddelynn Hatter can often be seen at The Ritz, The Rosemont and Macri Park. She will be featuring her own immersive vampire Halloween party in Brooklyn on Halloween. This party could very well mark a new trend in parties and in drag entertainment. We shared questions and answers regarding her career and featured show.



What do you like most about performing in drag?
I like being asked to tell a story mostly. Bring the audience through a moment with you, giving emotion in a way that they may have not seen before. My performances are more for me as I use them a lot as a way of therapy to work out my own shit. I am a really open book, lol! You can ask me pretty much anything and I’ll give you an answer. It may not be the answer you wanted, but I’ll give it to you.

Where can people see you if they want to?
I do a show at Macri Park called roadhouse every second and fourth Sunday, Boop at The Ritz every Sunday, Trifecta at the Rosemont every first Thursday. And then I guest and have a couple new regular shows on the horizon. Since “Dragula” happened my travelling gigs have shot up, and now I’m gonna be traveling a lot and getting out there more, which is really exciting, because I really love meeting new people and seeing new places!

What are you doing for Halloween?
I have put together my very first production called “Noctis Sanguis,” which is latin for Night Blood. It’s a fully immersive vampire den party at C’mon Everybody in Brooklyn where you will be pulled through the event and through a story where you will be able to see what it’s like to be seduced by a coven of vampires.

What projects are you working on for the future?
I’m working on a bunch of new looks and art videos for my Patreon and my online content over all. It’s all super exciting!



Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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