Josh Sabarra, Revisited

‘Porn Again’ Is Coming to New York!

Josh Sabarra, author of “Porn Again,” a coming-of-age story, is proud to announce his upcoming New York book signing at Barnes and Noble in Union Square on June 25 at 7 p.m. in honor of Pride.

Porn Again is a warm, surprising and intriguing memoir creatively fashioned amidst a Hollywood backdrop. Here is your chance to meet Josh, talk to him and get to love him as I do.

How did the book signing come about?

Barnes and Nobe supports and recognizes holidays and socially signifcant events, so they are doing a New York Pride Week line up of authors. They have been champions of my book and asked if I’d like to be one of their authors. I will never say no to Barnes and Noble.

I think you are a perfect candidate.

I think it will be fun. It’s my first big New York event for the book. I’m excited about it.

Give our readers a little reminder of what your book is about.

“Porn Again” is a coming-of-age story against a Hollywood backdrop. I like to say it’s a coming of age, coming out and cumming. That’s my memoir in a nutshell.

Good description. So you just finished the audio version?

The audio book came out in March.

Where can someone obtain the audio version?

The audio book is available on iTunes, on, on It’s digital.

So was it fun recording it?

For me, as an avid reader and an avid reader of memoirs, I like it when an author tells his or her story. I always feel it’s a little bit of a cheat when you’re listening to an autobiography or a memoir and it’s not that person. But at the same time, I’m also not an actor, so I didn’t know whether I’d have the ability to tell it in a compelling way. But I actually really enjoyed doing it. I found that after my nerves calmed, after the first five minutes, I really got into telling the story. I feel like it flowed pretty well. I hope that people who are listening feel the same way, and that it’s equally engaging as it is on the page. I actually had a lot of fun doing it. I know a lot of authors find it tedious, but I’m probably too new at the game to be bored with anything yet.

So when is the sequel?

Well, the next book is a novel, so I don’t know when there will be a sequel to “Porn Again.” I guess I have to live a little more of my life.


You and I have to make some memories.

We do. So remind me, what was your favorite part of the book?

My favorite part of the book is the last chapter, which represents the ultimate acceptance for me, which is a scene with my parents in the porn shop. As silly as it sounds on the surface, there’s something really liberating about being able to be that open with the people who are closest to you. People might look from the outside and say how ridiculous is that, a 39-year-old man bringing his cotton-top, 70-year-old Jewish parents into a porn shop. It was great to be able to do that, to have a sense of humor about it, that they had a sense of humor about it and to just be able to be myself completely, with no shame. That’s what the last chapter represents. It’s my favorite part because it’s a testament to how great my parents are. I think it’s a funny moment and think it’s a poignant moment. The fact that I can hit all three in one chapter is special to me.

The most difficult part of this book for you is?

The hardest part of the book to write was going back to high school and camp where I was being bullied by adults and kids and not really understanding why I was being bullied, because I didn’t really have an understanding what was different about me. Having to drudge all of that up again, and go through those feelings again, was very hard to do.

So after all that you have been through, if the choice were presented to you to live life straight or gay, which would you choose?

I would choose it exactly the way it happened. I’ve never once thought, even when things were difficult with my sexuality, I never once wished that I wasn’t gay. I love men way too much.

So are you still available?

I’m availale. I think it would be great if Get Out! magazine could find a husband for me..

I do too.

We can do a wedding announcement in the magazine.

I totally love it. Just aside from the book, your nieces are beautiful.

The six-year-old, one of the kids in her class said something about how a man can’t marry a man, and she replied that’s not true, you can marry anyone you want as long as you love them. I don’t understand why anyone cares. That’s the thing that’s funny to me, that anyone would spend so much time deliberating or talking about a subject that doesn’t even affect them. There’s so many world problems. There are people who don’t know if they will eat tonight before they go to bed. That’s something worth spending time on. The rest of it – I mean, why? Who cares?

That’s an amazing point.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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