Get Into It – By Sir Honey Davenport

Here is what’s new, pussy cats! Even Hurricane Sandy couldn’t put the breaks on some exciting parties emerging in NYC this fall. First let’s start with the new parties. Here are 3 scenes that are 2 hot for 1 to ignore. First we have Sweat, a new West Village party where playing dress up never ends. It is thrown by an amazing new queen on the scene, ReyScandalo De La Verga and one of the funniest cats in a wig, Kittin Withawhip. Sweat is held every Thursday night at one of my favorite Christopher Street locations, Rockbar NYC. At Sweat you should expect queens and club kids draped in eccentric, eclectic and extravagant costumes and just plain fabulous apparel. And if you’re looking to toss a few drinks back, they’ve got booze for your budget. This party is non-stop over the top fun!

Next I will take you uptown to my home bar No Parking. The new hot night there is called Fuck It Monday. it is quite a step up from your plain, mundane Monday night party experience. Uptown celebrity Kedwin Zapata hosts the party while serving up some of the stiffest drinks I have ever had. And, well, if you’re looking for a stiff one, the boys at this bar get you as wet as the cocktails. But of course it doesn’t stop there! Fuck It Monday not only has a rotating cast of male dancers known as the PussyBoys but also quite a few girls known as the PussyCats, who left me questioning if I were a little bit of a lesbian. Fuck It Monday also features some of the sickest DJs, DJ Miss Flava, DJ MDW and DJ Maria Dark. And, trust me, all three spin the beats that keep you feeling cute, crazy and cunty. This is really where uptown comes to let loose on a Monday.
But if Sandy still has your train line down, fear not, cause there is also another sexy Monday night party taking the Lower East Side by storm: Hard at The Cock. This party is so hot you might gag, literally. It is brought to you by Glam Award-nominated bartender Shameless McGreedy and hosted by Demanda Dahling. And with DJ Matty Glitterati turning the tables you will definitely be able to work it out on the dance floor. But if you’re looking to get worked out, it’s the Cock darling, and there are enough blow jobs to jump start the economy in more ways than Twit Romney ever promised. It’s the home of anything goes. And it’s definitely at the top of my list for parties you should get into.

Sir Honey Davenport

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