Beating the Clock

Photo by Ryan Hutchins

In his new single, “Better Late Than Never,” Michael Fairman responds to those who believe he has missed his chance at attaining his music dreams. Written and produced by Fairman and Kyle Mangels, the song is a soulful groove song with a simple yet profound message: if you believe, you can achieve. “If you want something bad enough, isn’t it worth trying for it rather than forever wondering, ‘what if’?” Fairman asks. It’s an appeal that has special relevance today as the world prepares for the Olympic games. It reminds listeners that sometimes, in order to reach one’s goal, you must first endure heartache, pain, negativity, and disappointment.

Michael Fairman by Ryan Hutchins

“As a gay man in mid-life trying to get my music heard, I know about climbing mountains,” says Fairman. “I am told multiple times a week that this is a pipe dream, but I don’t let it stop me. I’m proud to be representing boomers. It may have taken me an extra thirty years than it did Shawn Mendes to get to this point, but my life experience makes me more confident now in my craft as a singer-songwriter. I know my strengths and weaknesses, and how to deliver a potential hit song, so I guess it truly is, ‘Better Late Than Never’.”

Michael Fairman grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and moved to NYC in the nineties to pursue a career in music.  “The time wasn’t right,” Michael acknowledges.

“Back then, artists were at the mercy of someone seeing them live in order to land that major label deal. In today’s digital age, artists can put out their music for the world to hear and decide if it fits their musical tastebuds.”

Michael is ready to try again and he’s laying it all on the line.  He recorded the single from home and says he learned from the process.  “I grew as an artist, and the fact that this song sounds just as good as if we cut it in a studio makes me realize that when the time is right, one can be unstoppable.”

Michael Fairman’s “Better Late Than Never” is being distributed independently and is available on Apple Music and Spotify


Ben Nelson

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