Turn Out The Night (Sweet Team Radio Remix Directors Cut) – GoldNation feat. Sir Ari Gold

In celebration of Part 2 of the remixes for “Turn Out The Night,” I am giving you, GoldNation, the Sweet Team remix directors cut of #TOTN. This video that I made with George Lyter was a labor of love and I hope you all enjoy the two versions as well as the 2 remix packages. I’ve never had a two part remix package before but there were so many incredible remixers wanting to contribute, I had to release them all for you. Turn Out The Night is available on Tidal, Apple Music, Google Play, BeatPort and more! Hope the springtime is making up for an excruciating election season! And I hope you are giving yourself the Soundtrack to Freedom. Hope to see you soon!


Mirror balls to the wall. In “Turn Out The Night,” Sir Ari Gold brings his GoldNation on a Burning Man meets fire island fairy disco fantasia. The second single off the elctro dance music opus, “Soundtrack To Freedom.”

This marks Ari’ Golds return to the historic location of fire island in his first video “Wave Of You” that debuted with the launch of the LOGO network, marking his first #1 in a string of #1 video hits.


For all bookings please contact: Sid Gold at Goldstar Talent Management 212 315 4429 [email protected] & CC [email protected]

With Love to the GoldNation

Sir Ari Gold
GOLD18 Records Inc.

email: [email protected]
web: http://www.AriGold.com

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