Get Out! Magazine Awards 2014 – Schedule

With your Hostesses:
Shequida, Sir Honey Davenport & Coco De’Ball.

7:30 Introduction (Shequida, Sir Honey & Coco by Frankie C.)

7:35 Marti Gould Cummings (opening)

7:40 Tym Moss 

7:45 Presenter Francis Legge & Charles Winters for PHOTOGRAPHER & BEST DRESSED (Drag/ Trans) 

7:50 Presenter Samara Riviera, Frankie C. & Papi Shank for the honoring of Michael Musto 

7:55 Annie Manildoo

8:00 Jiggly Caliente

8:05 Roger Ortega

8:10 Presenter Joi Cardwell for BEST BAR DJ,  CLUB DJ, CIRCUIT DJ

8:15 Presenter Jason Russo & Steve Cosh for BINGO & KARAOKE 

8:20 Misty Meaner 

8:25 Presenter Destiny Devine & David Steinman for BEST PIANO & SPORTS BAR

8:30 Melania Sorte 

8:35 Presenter Donovan Blyden & Yamil X for BAR FOR DRAG & NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT 

8:40  Ricky Jarman 

8:45 Kelly King 

8:50 Presenter Jake Resnicow & Mike Shensky for BEST DOOR STAFF & BEST CLUB

8:55 Kashi Golean

9:00 XELLE 

9:05 Merrie Cherry & Co.

9:10 Presenter Tim @ Adonis with dancers for SPECIAL EVENT PROMOTER & EVENT OF THE YEAR 

9:15 Phi Phi O’Hara

9:20 Presenter Lovari & Pito Carrera for GO GO BOY & GO GO VENUE 

9:25 Tina Burner 

9:30 Geo Louis

9:35 Presenter Ike Avelli & Robbyne Kaamil for HAPPY HOUR BARS 

9:40 Nikki Fierce

9:45 Presenter DJ Susan Levine & Roxie Digital for PARTY PROMOTER OF YEAR & WEEKLY PARTY 

9:47 Presenter Demanda & Luis Gomez & dancers for COMEDY DRAG & BEST COMEDIAN 

9:49 Presenter Rick Stockwell & Sasha Seven for Best Singer 

9:51 Presenter Romeo Romero & Moises Universe for BEST RUPAUL CONTESTANT 

9:53 Presenter Paul Montayo & Luis Weber for BEST BAR TO BRING A DATE 

9:55 Brenda Dharling

10:00 Presenter Joe Roszak & Dashaun Wesley for BEST BAR STAFF (all areas)

10:05 Mocha Lite 

10:10 Richard JMV 

10:15 Frankie C. & King Ralphy for BEST BARS  (all areas)

10:20 Yuhua Hamasaki 

10:25 Presenter Eileen Shapiro & Sailey Williams for BEST DRAG PERFORMER & DRAG PERFORMER OF THE YEAR 

10:30 Dimitri Municci & Surprise Guest


Sunday, October 5th

7:30-10:30 sharp
21 + W/ ID ONLY 

Shadow Boxers Bar
215 W 40th St, NYC 10018

Get Out! Magazine

Featuring content from the hottest gay and gay-friendly spots in New York, each (free!) issue of Get Out! highlights the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, spas and other businesses throughout NYC’s metropolitan area that the city’s gay population is interested in.

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