Falcon’s Endless Summer

Surf, Sand, Sex and Interviews

The hottest movie of the summer, Falcon’s Endless Summer, premieres on DVD and digital download on Friday, July 14 in the Falcon/NakedSword store. The release of the movie will kick off a season-long event on FalconStudios.com. The film was directed by Tony Dimarco, written by Ben Rush and features the cast of Luca del Rey, Trevor Brooks, Oliver Marks, Dean Young, MrDeepVoice, Alpha Wolfe, Ashley Stones, Carter Collins, and Matheuz Henk.

The premise of the movie includes the hot summer’s last carefree months before senior year, saving the Falcon Surf Shop, long lost, unrequited love, a lot of very hot men, and a lot of cool sex. Get Out shared some questions with some of the sizzling stars of the movie.

Trevor Brooks 

Between Falcon’s Endless Summer and Cumming Home For Christmas, you’ve starred in a lot of Falcon’s big recent blockbusters. What’s your experience been like on these big productions?

It’s like being at camp with all your friends, but there are cameras everywhere and everyone is naked!

Tell us a little about your character in the movie. Did you have to prepare for your role, and if so, how?

I play Alpha Wolfe’s nephew, who comes to visit and lends a hand to help keep the surf shop afloat. I grew up in California riding waves–and other surf-boarders — so not too much to prepare for, to be honest. LOL.

You star with Oliver Marks in the opening scene of this movie. What can fans expect to see?

They can definitely expect to see some great chemistry. Oliver is as sweet as pie and an

amazing scene partner and friend.

What are you most proud of in the film?

I’m proud that my very own surfboard made it into the film! 

Dean Young 

Describe your character in Falcon’s Endless Summer.

My character is a cute, little Irish boy trying to make some coin at the Falcon Surf Shop while studying in San Diego for the summer. He’s very flirty and seductive and seems to get what he wants.

What was the most fun you had doing the film? Do you have a scene you are most proud of?

I had a lot of fun with everyone doing the car wash scene. It was cool getting to interact with all of the American porn stars.

What was it like filming your big car wash scene with the cast? How did you get along with your co-stars?

Like I said, the car wash scene was so much fun. I love the whole acting side of things, and I really got to show it in the car wash segment.

Your scene with MrDeepVoice has you two outside. Do you enjoy outdoor sex in real life or do you prefer more indoor activities?

I think from the moment MrDeepVoice and myself met, we were instantly attracted to each other. We couldn’t stop kissing on and off set, so I was really excited to shoot this scene. But, to answer your question, there’s always rain and bad weather in Ireland, so any chance I get to have a bit of fun in the sun—I’m gonna do it!

For those who don’t know, you’re based in Belfast. What was it like coming out to Southern California to film the movie?

Honestly, I felt like it was the American dream. LOL. It was an awesome experience, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity.

Oliver Marks & Carter Collins (Real-life couple)

Q: Tell us a little about your roles in the movie.
Are you anything like your characters in real life?

OLIVER: In the movie, I play a horny, college-age surfer boy who’s trying to save the surf shop at which he works. I’d say the role I played had some similarities: I am horny, in college, and enjoy surfing. On the other hand, I’m a Midwest boy at heart and don’t possess the West Coast vernacular.

CARTER: Our roles in the movie are pretty cut and dry: surfer studs who are trying to save the surf shop we work at. In my personal life, I would say my character differentiates a lot from my character in the movie. I’m more of a city boy with a mix of woodland explorer. I’ve never really been beachy, but when I have the option to step into a different role, I take it head on because it’s exciting to be something so outside of what I’ve made myself to be.

Q: Since you two are in a relationship in real life, can you tell us what it’s like stepping in front of the camera with your boyfriend for a big studio project like this?

OLIVER: In a way, getting to do a studio production is an outlet for us both to explore and have fun together. If anything, it has strengthened our communication, trust, and love for each other. It allows us to have new experiences that we wouldn’t get if it were just us two.

CARTER: Stepping in front of a camera with my boyfriend for a production this big was very

comforting and rewarding. I love my boyfriend, and I always have so much fun when we do these projects with each other. We have good energy together, and I feel like people can really feel that when they work with us.

Q: What was the most fun for you while filming?

OLIVER: The best part about this film was getting to meet the cast and production crew, to make some friends and great connections. It was my first ever porn movie, so it gave me a better understanding and appreciation of all that goes into a film like this.

CARTER: The most fun part of filming for me was meeting everyone and making friends on set. I do love filming and acting and the actual production part is amazing, but I’m a very social, chatty guy. You’re in these intense scenes and moments and once you hear the director yell “Cut”, you go right back to giggles and laughing and cracking funny jokes. I’m really there for the experience and memories the most out of everything.

Q: This was your first production with Falcon Studios. Can we expect any more starring roles for Falcon anytime soon?

OLIVER: You betcha! Stay tuned. 😉

CARTER: Absolutely! Men cum and go, but if you’re lucky, the really good men cum and go

several times. 😉



For those who don’t know, you’re based in Belfast. What was it like coming out to Southern California to film the mo

How’d you get the name MrDeepVoice?

A: Now that you’ve heard me, I’m sure that you’ve figured it out! Everything about me is deep.

I haven’t asked anyone this yet, but can you give me a short synopsis of the movie?

Falcon’s Endless Summer is a blast. A bunch of local surfers in San Diego get together to save the beloved town surf shop from going under. Basically, we’re going down to stop the store from going under. 😉

Did you have a specific part of the film that you could call a favorite?

I sorta hit the jackpot — a scene with the amazing Dean Young and another with the very sexy Luca del Rey. I don’t think I could pick a favorite, given my partners.

What’s your go-to beach fit? Speedo? Board shorts? Nothing at all?

If I have to be wearing anything, the smallest swimsuit available. So, 100% Speedo-style.

Luca del Rey
Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive


This movie comes a little over a year after you debuted as a Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive. What’s this last year been like for you?

Preferably naked, if I can get away with it. I’m one of the sweatiest men in show business. Just ask all my scene partners. The less on me, the better.

This movie comes a little over a year after you debuted as a Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive. What’s this last year been like for you?

I think the biggest change I’ve noticed is the amount of travel I’ve been afforded since starting in the industry. I am excited for all opportunities to visit new places and experience the world in different settings. I also get laid a hell of a lot more than I used to!

What was the energy on set like for the cast’s big car wash scene?

Have you ever seen those hyper-sexualized car washes where the girls are rubbing their breasts all over the window shields with soap and water? It was a lot like that, except with penises, which is an improvement, if you ask me.

Is there a particular moment in the film which you enjoy the most?

It depends on what part of the film you’re asking about. When it comes to making the film, I particularly enjoyed blocking and working with MrDeepVoice to come up with a scene that felt natural and believable. Then there was all the sex, which was fun.

What do you like most about your character in Falcon’s Endless Summer?

I’m basically one of the only hairy guys in the film, and that’s very on-brand for me. Does it signify my characteristics of maturity, grace and patience? No, but my ass looks great doing sexy time on camera!

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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