David Goldyn

“Daddy Issues”

The brand new Off Broadway  gay themed comedy “Daddy Issues”, is getting race reviews all over town. The play has a lot of heart, and a relevant theme that everyone in one way or another can identify with.
Get Out caught up wit producer/director David Goldyn for some In-depth look at. Daddy Issues”….
What is the premise behind ‘Daddy Issues”?
Donald Moscowitz has overbearing parents. They disapprove of his gay  lifestyle, his flair for decoration and his choice of profession. The only thing that will make them happy is for him to give them a grandchild. To get them off his back  he hires the ten year old kid from downstairs to play his son and his drag queen friend to play the birth mother. What could go wrong?
What inspired the play?
My parents have known I was gay since i was 17 years old but that never stopped them. They  were relentless for me to have a wife and kids. Every time I saw them they would say… “we would be so happy if you had a wife and kids.”  When I was 30 years old, my parents came to visit me in Orlando prior to an audition for  a tv show. I didn’t want them to come but they promised not to say something that would upset me. Again, I heard them saying “how happy they’d be if I got married and have kids.” After all… if Irving Shenkel’a son could straighten himself out, so could I.

I could not stop them from this relentless pestering to have a wife and kids.

I felt so awful that they couldn’t accept me for who I was.  I felt awful about myself. I don’t know what inspired me but they were so relentless that I told them that I had a son  with a college girlfriend. They were so desperate to have a grandchild that they believed every word and wanted to arrange a meeting immediately. This went on for just short of an hour. Finally, I came clean and told them the truth. They never asked about me having a wife and kids again. From this experience, with overbearing Jewish parents comes Daddy Issues.
I’d the play a drama, or a comedy, or somewhere in between?
The play is comedy with a lot of heart. Sort of Torch Song Trilogy meets Neil Simon meets La Cage Aus Folles
What kind of audience reaction are you receiving?
Audiences are finding it very funny. Critics have said “you are going to have a blast”, “Hysterical”  to “heartfelt.”Gays and Jews love it the best. Seniors love it. Even heterosexuals love it. But I find it amazing that almost everyone laughs and loves it. That makes me happy.
Are there any new projects on the horizon for you?
There is some sit com interest in this play. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Two critics have mentioned “its a sit com waiting to happen.” and “ready for cable tv.!”
Why do you think “Daddy Issues’ is relevant for today?
Daddy Issues is about accepting yourself when your family just doesn’t get it. It’s about pleasing your parents and keeping a sense of who you are. It’s also about a need for gays to make their own family.  For example Donald Moscowitz has two best friends–Henrietta ( a gay man’s best girl friend)and Levi (Accountant by day.. drag queen by night) They are his home made family.  It’s also about a gay man’s desire to have kids. In Daddy Issues, Donald’s home made family meets his real family and the home made family helps heel the real family.
Where can people see the play, and get tickets to see the play?
People can get tickets to the play at Daddyissuestheplay.com It runs through November 6 at the Theatre at St Clements in Hell’s Kitchen on Wes 46th Street.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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