Ricky Jarman

Overwhelmingly impressed with Ricky Jarman’s passion for his art and electrifying performance at the recent Get Out! Awards, I felt another conversation was in order, even though we spoke only a few short weeks ago. Relatively new to New York nightlife, he was suddenly thrust onto the stage at Shadow boxer’s in front of an unsuspecting crowd, in full suit and fully clothed. By the time his performance had ended, he was half naked and had completely owned the stage, winning the hearts and admiration of the entire audience.
So what was it like for you performing at the Get Out! Awards?
It felt great. I loved every minute of it. It was a very lively crowd, and it just seemed like everybody had a great attitude. Very upbeat, people were happy to be there. There was a lot of, what’s the word, camaraderie.

That’s a good word.
Did I say it right?

Yeah, so I felt like there was a lot of that. I think the New York entertainment industry needs more of that. That type of vibe – where everybody can just have fun without really worrying, just letting loose and being who they want to be.

So, you started your number in full suit, but by the time it ended you were half naked.
Yeah, that’s true. I kinda was like doing the whole Channing Tatum vibe. I really like what he stands for and what he does, and I like having fun, so I’m glad you enjoyed it.

I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed it.
That’s even better. That’s good!

And now you will be performing at Get Out!’s Holiday Party on December 12 at BPM. That’s exciting!
Yeah, I can’t wait. I’m definitely excited. You know, that was my first time performing for the Get Out! Awards, but it seems like any time you all have an event, you bring out a great crowd, so I’m excited to get back into that very lively atmosphere.

Since we first spoke what’s been going on? Anything new happening for you?
Yeah. I did a very minor role in an indie film. The name of the film has slipped my mind, but the part I played actually was … I played a model in a photo shoot. You know, it wasn’t a speaking role, it was a small featured role. I also will be having a feature spread in the next month or two in “DNA Magazine” and “Adelante.”

Yeah, I’m supposed to be in their print version and online version, so I’m just waiting to hear back and get the green light from the publication. Also, I’m supposed to be in “Adelante Magazine.” Samara was able to organize that whole situation. I got interviewed and will have some photos in that magazine as well.

So you got to do some networking at the awards?

[At that point Colin Hogan, my friend and business partner entered the room and told Ricky that we would be in the city tomorrow. He asked Ricky what he would be doing tomorrow night.]

I’m not really sure what time my dance rehearsal is going to end tomorrow. We’re getting mighty close to the big performance we’re gonna be performing.

Wait a minute, what performance?
Oh, November 7 and 8 I’ll be performing with the dance company. I’m with KR3TS in Spanish Harlem.

So you’re a professional dancer too? What will you be dancing?
Well, I’m gonna be doing hip hop. There is going to be a variety of different dance categories that they’ll be performing during the evening. There’s a jazz number, a bunch of hip hop. They have some special musical guests that will be there as well. Some of them are really well known in the Latin community. It’s gonna be really cool. It’s called KR3TS 25th Anniversary.

Are you Latin?
I’m not Spanish, but a lot of people ask me if I’m a mix. I’m very flattered and highly excited that they think I’m mixed in with that crowd, cause I love the Latin community.

What is your nationality then?
I’m actually German with a little bit of Cherokee Indian.

Colin: And part Ricky Martin!
Oh, yeah!

I thought it was only a hobby for you?
No, I do pursue it as a career, but you know how when you do different things you have to categorize it, like list it out from most important versus not as important. I definitely do dance, but it’s not my main focus. It’s more of a complementary thing that I do to incorporate with my music.

The song that you did at the awards, what was the name of it?
It was actually a medley. My personal songs that I performed that night were “Make It Happen” and “Do It.” Actually, I now have a name for my upcoming album now.

Share it.
My album is going to be called “The Pursuit.”

And when will it be out?
It’s going to be coming out in mid-January.

A week before it comes up stream it to CS and we’ll review it.
That would be awesome.

I’m looking forward to it and to seeing you perform once again on December 12 at BPM!


Photo By Wilsonmodels



Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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