Pam Ann’s Out of This World

Ring in the New Year with the filthiest, funniest , most Un-PC air hostess on the planet, Pam Ann. With enough chutzpah and insider knowledge to rival a Qantas CEO, no one does airline satire quite like this newest honoree of the Get Out ! Magazine Icon Award . Pam Ann literally has an air hang Arfilled with commentary on airlines and their delicious stereotypes . Pam Ann : Galactic 2014 begins its week ’s run at Joe ’s Pub on December 30, whisking passengers on a round trip out -of -this – world flight featuring hilarious new material and special guests from Pam Ann’s Global Alliance.

Do you get criticized for your humor being too racy?
All the time! Just the other night, 24 people walked out my show. I think maybe I said fisting once too often but, to be fair; the theatre I was playing was in this shithole town called Basingstoke. In all truth, they should just blow the place up.

Isn’t scandal what makes great comedy?
Exactly, if I’m not offending someone then I’m not doing my job. Get a life, queens!

Who do you see more of at your performances, airline employees or gay men?
It depends where I am performing. Recently I did a show in Frankfurt, Germany, and the audience was predominately airline crew from Lufthansa. The rest were from Air China, weirdly enough. However, if I am performing in Provincetown, the audience is all gay men. And if I am in New York City it’s everyone and everything. But, after all, the gays did create Pam Ann, so they are my most loyal fans and I love them the most.

What is it about your performances that connect with all cultural and international backgrounds?
I guess because I tailor my show to every single place I go and talk about them. People love to be talked about, especially when you take the piss out of their culture. I recently went to Poland and they just loved all my Polish references and talking about the technical problems of their major airline, LOT AIR. Who knew I was so big in Serbia?

Who knew air travel could be so fun?
It depends where you are seated. If you’re in bucket class, it’s not so much fun. But if you’re in the pointy end being served beluga caviar out of a conch shell and champagne out of a glass flute, sprinkled with rose petals, like they do on Lufthansa’s “Service of Excellence,” then air travel can be fabulous!

Do you think the average person dresses too casually when flying?
Ab-so-f’-ing-lutely. I mean jumpsuits and bare feet are not my idea of a seasoned traveler. Make more of an effort people. After all, it’s fine dining at 41,000 feet.

What do you recommend to pass the time on a really long flight?
Xanax and red wine. Do you ever fly coach or is it always first class for you? I fly coach on JetBlue. They are my all-time favorite airline in the USA. Flying first class domestically is a waste of money. I save first class for long-haul flights. Unless someone else is paying, then sure, it’s first all the way! The downside to flying economy is if the cabin crew sees me in the back, they laugh their asses off at me and send down warm cookies from first class to rub it in. Bitches.

Is there an airline you never want to fly on ever again?
EasyJet! For starters, they’re not cheaper than a real airline because in the end, they get you for every cost they can, from baggage to breathing. The seats aren’t seats, they’re planks of wood. They don’t have seatbelts, wheels or wings. They just chuck the plane like a javelin.

Do you find New York’s airports as frustrating as we do?
They’re dirty sh*tholes. They all need a good scrubbing. But isn’t that what NYC is about? The grime here is delicious.

What’s it like to count international superstars like Cher and Madonna as fans?
I love strong, opinionated, fearless women. So for women like Cher and Madonna to support what I do, inspires me to continue and never give up despite how many f-ers try to bring me down. I plan to keep soaring through the New Year.

Pam Ann: Galactic 2014 at Joe’s Pub
runs from December 30 – January 5.
Go to for showtimes
and ticket information.


Tyler Ricardi

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