Jack Delivers Satisfaction

Fans know Jack Tracy as the star of the LGBT web series, “History,” a show that follows his character as he works to rebuild his life after a break-up.  Now the actor/filmmaker is setting his real-life break-up angst to song.  His new song “Satisfaction,” the first single from his new upcoming Older album, releases today along with its music video.

While Jack confirms that “Satisfaction” was written with a particular person in mind, he believes its message is a universal one that applies to all “bottom feeders who siphon energy from others through continued conflict.  I fully subscribe to the adage of: ‘when people show you who they are, believe them.’  And if you show me you’re an asshole, I’m done listening to you,” he says.

Jack busts out some impressive Janet Jackson moves in the video.  Growing up, he admits to spending a large part of his life obsessing over the dance routines in her music videos.  He would record them from VH1 on a VHS tape, replay them in his parents’ bedroom where he could point the TV into a mirror (so the dancers were facing the right way) and learn every step.   “Miss Jackson is everything.  In fact, my entire album is constructed from her blueprint because no one can touch Control through All For You.  That’s my formula.  Madonna queens: fight me.”

“My goal with all of my projects is to present stories from an LGBT point of view,” he continues. “I explore topics the Hollywood machine would never let me touch:  things like the community’s capacity for acceptance as well as intolerance.  Our being bullied and being bullies.  Our sexuality, vanity, vulnerability and judgment.   I present everything, warts and all.  Mainstream won’t serve us that; if they’re going to do a gay project, we’ll always be the heroes.  Hollywood only serves us when it is profitable to serve us, and in a way that is first and foremost driven by what they think we will buy.  I have more interest in truth, the beautiful and ugly kinds.”

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Ben Nelson

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