A founding member of the tremendously popular New York drag coven the Assassins, dance diva Kimmi Moore has cast a new spell on us, care of a brand new banger and music video.

Interview >>>               

Thotyssey: Hello, Kimmi. Thanks for chatting! How was your Pride?

Kimmi Moore: It was filled with strep throat for me! But it was great to see everyone working so hard and thriving.

Oh, no. I hope you’re feeling better! Your drag sisterhood the Assassins are fully busy both on Fire Island and in NYC. It’s so MUCH! How do you all do all these shows all over the place and remain so lovely and seemingly sane? Let me guess…magic?

Haha! Oh, Jim, “seemingly sane” is the greatest way to put that. Hmm, therapy and meditation on the beach. This life is absolute vodka wild.

The Assassins have a whole collective aesthetic and a specific vibe (dancing cabaret rockstar courtesan sorceresses), but you all also bring your own individual gifts to the mix. You are the dance pop diva with original bangers! What came first for you, music or drag?

Music. I’ve been singing, playing, and writing since I was young. I learned piano at a young age, sang in choir and so much more. I also did a lot of community theater and directed shows myself.

You released “My Head” in 2018 and “One Night,” which I declare slaps really hard, in 2019… both with really vibrant, fun, choreographed videos. How hands on and in charge are you through the whole process, from songwriting to recording to filming the videos?

I am sometimes a little too hands on. I’m very specific about my art. The previous two singles I wrote myself and had producers to help me finish the music. 

My newest single, “Latin Lips”, is completely written and produced by myself. I am very proud of it. The nightmare of quarantine had a little bit of a bright side, in which I had time to sit down and focus my energy on some positive things.

What, or rather, um, who…inspired that song?

I actually went to school for Spanish and wanted to put that to use and combine it with my love for music. Spanish language and culture have always been something I admired. Oh, and I’m still paying off those damn student loans. Haha.

Are you enjoying performing this one live?

Oh yes, I performed at my release party this Friday and I perform it at most shows. My friends/bartenders at Cherry’s get up on stage and dance with me. It’s such a fun time. I love that I have a job where I get to have fun and make magic with my friends and colleagues.

And the choreography and visuals in the song’s video are so fun.

Yes! I’m so beyond grateful for the friendship I have with [fellow Assassin] Nick Gaga. He is a creative genius, and he has believed in me so much. He directed, filmed, did artwork, and conceptualized looks. This is just the start of our work together, and I can’t wait to see what we are going to do next. 

There were about 20 people involved in this project, and I am so grateful for them. A huge thank you to everyone who supports me. It’s just the start of my career and it would not be possible without the love. As an independent artist, every stream counts, so put the song and video on repeat and let’s get a drag queen to the Billboard awards!

Thanks, Kimmi!

Get Out! Contributor

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