Photo By Tyrone Desperado

2 Queers and a Bitch

The hit show “2 Queers and a Bitch,” featuring comedian Ike Avelli, entertainer Tym Moss (aka the 2 Queers) and performer Robbyne Kaamil (the Bitch) is leaving its mark on the audiences of America! A unique and relevant variety parade of hysterical humor, the trio will be continuing their tour around the country and locally as well.

Get Out! caught up with the three and insisted they share some of their satire with our readers.

How did the three of you decide to come together for this amazing feature?
Robbyne reached out to us about a show concept that she created called “2 Queers and a Bitch.” We have known each other for years and were excited to finally get the chance to work together.

What kinds of audience reactions are you receiving thus far?
The audiences love us. They love the variety show concept and the fact that there is never a dull moment in any of our shows. Our shows are wild, wacky and festive right down to our pink boas and hilarious, side-ripping videos. Our audiences always ask: When can we see you again? Some have offered for us to stay with them the next time we’re in town. Everyone wants to spend an evening with “2 Queers and a Bitch.” We make fabulous dinner guests.

Do you all agree on a favorite segment in the show?
IKE: I’m sure we’re all in agreement that my segment is the best!
ROBBYNE: I’m sure we’re all in agreement that my segment is the best!
TYM: I’m sure we’re all in agreement that MY segment is the best!
This is the only thing we can’t agree on.

Whose creation was this, or did you all collaborate?
We all bring something different to the table and work well together.  After Robbyne asked us to be the “2 Queers,” we started brainstorming on comedy skits for our live shows and YouTube videos. We are all unique and creative, and we encourage each other, which gives us the incentive to do the best we can.

Will there be more from the three of you together?
Yes! We kicked off our national tour with our Halloween show at Stonewall Inn, and we just returned from Rehoboth Beach. Our tour will be hitting Chicago, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Minneapolis, Dayton, Philadelphia, Jersey City, Atlanta, San Francisco, Boston and Los Angeles. We will be returning to Rehoboth Beach next summer. We’re going to be all over the place.  Uberlube is our official tour sponsor.  You can get more info on our tour at:

Will you be hitting New York City again?
Absolutely. We will be back for our Christmas Show at Don’t Tell Mama on Friday, December 9. You can make reservations at, and there will be giveaways from Andrew Christian, Naked Sword and our sponsor Uberlube!

Briefly, what are you all up to separately?
Music: “BUY & OBEY,” my new music video, can be viewed on YouTube. My EP “Free Again” is available on Amazon.
Film: Finished shooting “Garden Left Behind,” a feature independent film about the trans community [that was] submitted to Cannes. “WORDS,” a documentary about the LGBT community by AJ Mattioli. Internet: Weekly show called “Artists Exposed With Tym Moss”; “Tym & Ike Show” on YouTube; and “Comedy Sex Show With Lola Bastinado and Tara Tiara” will be coming soon!

My “Dear Diva” advice column in Australia’s DNA Magazine continues to grow in popularity, and I am still the official Relationship Expert for Playgirl.   I am also the executive director of the television show “Urban Animals,” which is running on PBS stations across the country.

I am still touring with my latest show “50 Shades of Gay” and bringing another holiday show titled “You’re a Mean One, Ike Avelli” to the Duplex Cabaret Theater on Saturday, December 3, featuring Margoh Channing and Tym Moss.

Any last words?
Make sure you get your tickets to our Christmas show in NYC show at Don’t Tell Mama.
Twitter: 2queers1bitch

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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