Six Tips Not to Tip the Scales This Holiday Season

November kicks off a season of friends, fun and festive food. Of course, these special times may present a unique challenge to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. How do you fight the battle of the bulge without bringing cries of “bah humbug”? Times are tough, so here’s my one “gift” to you for the holidays!

Gear up. The holidays decorate our schedules well, so prepare ahead. Make your meals at home in bulk. Leave your workout gear, protein, supplements and water in the office or near your door at home, both as a reminder and for accessibility.

Involve your friends and family in your fitness.It’s easier to stay on track if the people in your circle feel like their involvement will help you stay on the ball. Let them know ahead of time if your new or continued diet requires something specific for dinner, or volunteer to bring a dish to share that’s more on your menu.

Formulate a reasonable plan. You don’t have the gift of time, so swap out complexity for consistency.

You can’t work out five days a week after work with six parties to attend. Most gyms have timed circuit workouts, like the Xpressline workout at New York Sports Clubs. Take classes that exercise multiple muscle groups or your entire body like total conditioning, yoga, Pilates reformer or boot camp. Schedule less-frequent, more-focused exercise.

Treat yourself. Can you already taste the pumpkin pie or egg nog? Have some in moderation, just plan ahead to do a little more exercise tomorrow. Split a piece of that favorite dessert with your boyfriend – it’s sexy to share!

Survive. The holiday season can be a stressful time as well. Family fun can turn into fuss. Shopping, cooking, planning, traveling, hosting, showing face … so much to do! You WILL miss a workout, have two pieces of cake or drink a little too much. Seek your inner yogi and be balanced. Celebrate each success.

Happy holidays and festive fitness!

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