Each year in June, which is celebrated as NATIONAL PRIDE MONTH, the streets of Huntington fill with colorful and excited spectators as the Pride Parade barrels its way down the streets of the village. Every year the parade seems to grow larger. Floats filled with magical, musical rainbows, fancy cars, marchers, horses and glamorous drag queens wave to the crowds as people of all ages and their pets cheer them on and wave back. Those in the parade are composed of LGBT organizations, equal rights activists, students marching for gay rights, Long Islands gay nightclubs and bars, fundraisers, DJs, the gay men’s chorus, the raven, the country line-dancing lesbians and so many more. Ultimately they all wind up at the parade’s end inside Heckscher Park for Pridefest.
Historically the pride parade originated when the courageous founders of the Long Island Lesbian and Gay Pride Freedom Committee, composed of Steve Henaghan, Cara Wilson, Leah Gustavson and David Kilmnick, approached the town of Huntington in hopes of obtaining a parade permit. Their request was denied as the town exclaimed that only the more “traditional” parades were allowed on the streets of Huntington. Fortunately the committee was being represented by the ACLU. The case was brought to a federal court, and it was there on May 28, 1991, that Judge Lenard D. Wexler ruled in the committee’s favor. On June 9, 1991, the very first pride parade marched through the village of Huntington. Presently, Huntington Village is now very supportive.
Year after year the end of the parade marks the beginning of the Pride Festival at the park. Hundreds of booths providing priceless information, LGBT items, a VIP lounge, a health pavilion, a beer and wine garden, food trucks and more set throughout the park. In the center of the park is the huge stage providing entertainment for all. This year Pridefest will present recording stars Debbie Gibson, Robin S, Janice Robinson, Aunt Barbara, Amber Ferrari, Angelo Garcia and SINPAUL. The Bunkhouse is also so PROUD to announce that our very own DJ STEVE FOG will be the DJ selected to spin the music for Pridefest.
More than 4,000 people will be proudly participating this year, as well as more than 100 Long Island LGBT organizations “UNITING AS ONE VOICE FOR EQUAL RIGHTS.”
The Bunkhouse would like to invite one and all to our PRIDE PARADE AFTER PARTY featuring DJ Bryan Thomas and DJ Steve Fog, straight from the festival! There will be a FREE BBQ, dancing and drinking from 4 to 11 p.m. All are welcome.

The Bunk House
620 Waverly Ave
Patchogue, NY 11772
(631) 506-6600

///By Eileen Shapiro (The Bunk House)

Get Out! Contributor

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