The Fantastic Duo Promoters Sasha Seven & Antonio Cedeno

How did you get involved in promoting nightlife parties in clubs and bars and when?
Antonio: It was one of those rare suggestive opportunities where my boss had a staff meeting at Club Feathers, New Jersey. At the time I was a bartender there for 12 years. He wanted to put one of us bartenders in charge of the parties and events, so everyone just pointed at me, so my promoting career really took off from there.
Sasha Seven: Three years ago I was out at Ritz with a bunch of friends. The owner Tommy Greco and me met and he gave me the opportunity to promote every week at Ritz on Saturdays.

What are you looking forward to in the future?
The future is an open book for us. As long as we stay creative I think there will be plenty of parties to go around, and we are looking forward to having more events providing a good time for the community.

What do you do for a living besides helping out in our community?
Antonio: Promoting and creating events is not my only passion. I am also 20 years into the hairstyling and cosmetology field. I am currently still practicing. Remember, we are gay and we always have to look on point.
Sasha Seven: I work in healthcare as a manager in a hospital for the past 10 years.

Any advice to your followers, friends or to managers of the clubs and bars?
We think that our LGBT community is so small but large enough to spread among all of us in the industry. We see ourselves working with everyone as one big happy family. Keeping a good standing with everyone is very important too, specifically.

Has it been easy or difficult to be a good promoter in the city?

Antonio: It’s not an easy task to become a good promoter. These days everyone wants to be one. It has been somewhat easier for me because as I said before I try to work with everyone and treat everyone as an individual. After all, we are one big gay family. I set myself apart by being attentive and productive and of course end it all with a smile.
Sasha Seven: It’s not hard to promote, but if it’s.


Get Out! Contributor

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