Sonja Morgan

Get out! magazine’s former cover boy king ralphy sat down with sonja morgan of “the real housewives of new york city.” read below how these two social butterflies chatted.

Were you happy with this season? I always enjoy your scenes.
I think we had a great season. Our show is international. We are in 136 countries. We are a best-selling show on Netflix. I had a very funny cross between Samantha Jones and Edie Beale of “Grey Gardens.” I thought it was hilarious! Of course we are multifaceted people, but you only get to see single facets of our personalities in a season, and they are exaggerated. It’s an ensemble cast, and we are spliced together, but it’s a job, and I’m paid to entertain!

Now that it’s over, what do you do on your off time?
I recharge my batteries,  spend time with my daughter, tend to my personal affairs, my businesses, line my ducks up for the next season, train my new interns so they know what they are doing when we film, because everything has to go like clockwork. I have a full life off camera that you would find incredibly boring, but it has to get done. Obviously we ham it up when the cameras roll. Who doesn’t?

Are you looking forward to Fashion Week? I’ve noticed over the years the gift bags suck less and less. Do you agree?
I love a good gift bag! Zang Toi always has a great one. I love his nail polish, Zoya. The gifting suites are fun, I just never have time. I hardly have time to make the shows.

What are some of your favorite nightclubs in New York City?
Nightclubs aren’t the way they were when i was at the Fashion Institute of Technology when we would go to Aria, Club A and Limelight. This was just after Studio 54. As a young model, I did go to Studio 54 with my chaperone.

Last time we saw each other was at the Lady Gaga party. It was also my birthday party. Fun night.
My friend Ian Reisner owns The OUT Hotel and the club next door, and he asked me to present Lady Gaga with Bianca Del Rio. It was a fun evening. I was flattered that Lady Gaga approved my pictures at the event to be used for press in association with her. She’s a huge “Real Housewives” fan. She even had the “Beverly Hills Housewives” in her video for “G.U.Y. (Girl Under You).”

How does one join Team Sonja and intern for you?
I find interns through colleges. They apply at their school. Usually business, stylist, fashion merchandising, social media or entertainment majors.

Your favorite thing to make out of your toaster oven?
Rack of lamb. I have videos on my website and at my YouTube page. You can also sign up for my newsletter.

Do you think there will be casting changes to the next season?

Probably. There always are.

Do you miss filming with your former co-stars? If so, who?
I miss everyone. I hate to see anybody go.

What are your favorite flowers to have around the house?
I like Casablanca lilies. They smell great. Any long-lasting flower. I like to grow orchids. I get them at the Home Depot.

Top 5 style tips?
Be unique; have a role model at the same time; wear the dress, don’t let the dress wear you; choose flattering colors; don’t spend all your money on clothes. A few quality investment pieces are the way to go.

How is ramona doing? Please send her my love. I haven’t run into her in a years. Such a nice lady.
Ramona is great. I’m always there for her.
Twitter @sonjatmorgan
Instagram @sonjatmorgan

Twitter @kingralphy
Instagram @kingralphyofficial

Join Ralphy with Cazwell and Peppermint every Thursday at the Ritz for the “Do the Right Thing” party.

King Ralphy

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