“Adam and Eve Party at the Castle”….”Imagine” CD Release Party”
Sinful: Extremely enjoyable in a way that makes you feel guilty. By definition this year’s summer extravaganza at Sir Ivan’s Castle in the Hamptons, fit the bill. Laced with huge tantalizing apples, enormous, realistic, lustful, rubber snakes, dramatic rainbow colored birthday candles lighting up the outside of the Castle, flowing Champagne, fancy fig leaves, and nearly naked socialites, celebrities, and guests, decorated the grounds of “The Peaceman’s” residence.
Once again the vibration and atmosphere, was filled with high spirits, lots of love, and a blast of sophisticated fun. Sir Ivan the overwhelmingly generous rock star/philanthropist, performed his newest hit, “Imagine’, with the heart and soul of John Lennon himself. Wearing a flowing, white, underneathless, white silky cape, and a Cher styled dazzling head piece, he proved to be the bell of the ball, an impeccable host, and a salacious personality.
Through the years, Sir Ivan, via his “Peaceman Foundation”, has donated literally, over 250,000 to the LGBT community, and to those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He has also given proceeds from his hit songs, “Kiss The Bullies Goodbye”, “Here Comes the Sun”, and other peace driven covers that he’s recorded from the 60’s and 70’s.
Each year he opens his home, with a themed party, for supporters, friends, family and fans. Some of the patrons this year included: “Comic Book Celebrity Artist of the Stars, Graig Weich of Beyond Comics, pop star Aaron Paul, leading photographer, Bill Hess, Hetrick-Martin Institute and NYC Anti-Violence Project, whom he handed a check for 20k, while surrounded by the actresses from “Orange is the New Black”.