Sherry Vine

Drag superstar and viral video sensation Sherry Vine now has her own TV show and is kicking off a summer tour. First stop: Jersey. In the meantime, Sherry Vine reveals how this bored clubber in the City of Angels became a drag legend in New York City.

You’re coming to visit Asbury Park on May 11 at Paradise! Have you performed there before? How do you think the Jersey Shore boys differ from artists in other areas?
This is my first time performing there, although we’ve tried for a long time, so I’m very excited! I will have to sample the Jersey boys and let you know. [laughs]

How did Sherry Vine come to be?
Sherry was born out of boredom going to the clubs in LA. I really started drag for fun and then decided to perform and then it turned into a career – thanks to the goddess for that!

You are a drag legend from the Bar d’O era, and now you are showing the newer girls how to do it. Who or what do you miss about the “drag days gone by” in New York City? Any of the new girls that you think really have “it” to go to the next level?
I really miss that you could go out any night of the week and see an amazing drag show – so many! There aren’t as many venues, but I must say there are so many new talented queens who have been turning it out! Dallas DuBois, Roxy Couture, Bootsie, Pixie and many more. These girls are giving it!

Your video parodies have gone viral and have millions of hits. What do you think is the key to a fantastic video parody?
You know, there’s no real formula. I’ve done videos that I expected to go viral and they fall flat and also vice versa. Timing is important now as songs come and go very quickly. I try to anticipate videos that I think will be big like Madonna or Gaga and be on top of it. Also, a big thanks to Perez Hilton for posting them and sending them to Lady Gaga.

Have you heard or met any of the artists you’ve parodied? Any awkward run-ins?
I know Gaga loved them – luckily she has a sense of humor! And I know Katy Perry liked the Firecrotch video.

Your new show on here! network is called “She’s Living For This.” How would you describe the show?
Honey, it is my dream come true! It’s Carol Burnett meets Laugh In meets SNL. Total old school variety show with a modern dirty twist! [laughs] And for people who don’t have here! TV you can now see it on Hulu!

What’s next for Sherry Vine?
Other than Port Authority fourth floor men’s room? I will be touring all over this summer, and in September we start filming season two of SLFT. Of course, Francis Legge, my video director, and I will get some more video parodies up. But I’m looking forward to my premiere at Paradise!

– Michael Cook 



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