Sexual Services for Men

Male Enhancement With Dermal Fillers

What is male enhancement with dermal fillers?
Many men across the globe require a simple increase in their endowment without necessarily requiring additional treatment for erectile dysfunction or increased virility. Reasons range from the purely aesthetic to desiring enhancement in sexual function and sensation. Regardless of the goal, simple male enhancement can be achieved with dermal fillers.

How does male enhancement with dermal fillers work?
Consistent with other nonsurgical procedures that use dermal fillers, male enhancement works by way of injection. Depending on the patient’s goals, a filler is chosen and then injected into the corpus cavernosa of the penis. The filler is then worked through the penis to achieve a uniform increase in length and girth. Dermal fillers are an excellent option for male enhancement because they require no down time, and patients can return to sexual activity the same day. Fillers are less of a risk than surgery, and, because they are temporary, carry no long-term undesired effects.  

Are there side effects?
Side effects may include swelling, redness, bruising and pain, as is typical with an injection. Allergic reaction is rare. Losses in size and girth may occur in those whose bodies absorb the filler more quickly.

Penile Rejuvenation? Dermal Fillers & Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

How does PRP for penile rejuvenation work?
PRP from your own blood sample is injected into your penis. The platelet-rich plasma engorges the penis, stimulating growth and tissue development, helping to increase blood flow through new pathways and enhancing the overall length of the penis with minimal bruising and no lumpiness or nodule formation. The regeneration of penile tissue with PRP allows for stronger, longer-lasting erections, increased sexual performance and enhanced penis size. Because this uses the body’s own blood cells, there is no risk of a negative reaction.

How do dermal fillers for penile rejuvenation work?
After a mild anesthetic is applied, a dermal filler is injected into the penis shaft and glands. Increased girth can be as significant as 20% overall. Although dermal fillers aren’t a permanent enhancement, they can last for up to one year. Best of all, there is little to no downtime. And while any dermal filler can potentially be used, it’s best to follow the recommendation of your doctor depending on the results you’re seeking and any other treatments that are being simultaneously administered.

Is penile rejuvenation right for me?
Results of penile rejuvenation are immediate. Results vary for each person, but the benefits are proven to last up to one year with one treatment. You may require follow-up treatment to maintain sustained increases in penis length and girth. During a consultation, your doctor will determine which products are right for you and how much product is appropriate to enhance your penis.

Dr. M. Mirza
(973) 493-7607


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