Seri Storms the Dancefloor

BY Mick Sandoval

Best known for her dance hits with Maniacalm, this month Seri pours the love with a new collaborator, powerhouse DJ Markus Schulz.   Ranked among the top ten producers in the world by DJ Times Magazine, Schulz has worked with Madonna and Depeche Mode and has remixed Bette Midler and Sia. He and Seri are uniting on a track that is, simply put, mesmerizing. Hear for yourself when Seri debuts “Love Rain Down on Me” at Asbury Park’s Paradise during Sunday Tea on August 19.

Has love rained down on you?  

It’s rare that I get love to rain down on me, but I’d say God showered his love on me when he gave me the passion to know what I want to do in life. I know a lot of people who don’t have any direction, and that’s got to be frustrating.

What fuels you to be brilliant – fear of failure or thirst for success?
Both. I think they go together like a fork and a knife.

Have you learned that over the years?
As my career has grown, so do the desires and fears. The more you get, the more you want.  Having fallen on my ass so many times, I know what it feels like to hit rock bottom and have to get up again.

Would you consider working with Marcus Schulz to be “the next level”?
Definitely! I’m very honored to work with him. He has so many fans from all around the world.

What can we expect at Paradise? 
A really good show! I love working the crowd. I also love when the audience realizes that I’m not lip-syncing, b**ches!

What’s next for you, Seri?
After Asbury, I’m off to Romania to shoot the music video for “Love Rain Down on Me.” Then I start touring in the fall. Can’t wait!

“Love Rain Down on Me” releases to iTunes on August 31. Seri performs Sunday Tea at Club Paradise (101 Asbury Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ) on August 19.


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