Ryan Colford: LoveJoy at Posh

LOVE-JOY-RYANCOLDFOR-POSHPhotographer Ryan Colford has worked with models from some of the most well-known agencies in New York and has been published in fashion and lifestyle magazines around the globe. He introduces LoveJoy, his latest photo showing, at Posh Bar & Lounge on opening night, February 13.

What can we expect from your photo showing at Posh?
I really try not to give too much in the way of expectations. The reason is because I really want the viewer to pull their own interpretations from the images. Naturally I shoot each image with my own concept or story in mind. Some of my work is pretty blatantly obvious what the images mean, but I also like to include some feelings and possible interpretations in the smaller details.

What is the meaning behind the LoveJoy concept?

The LoveJoy showing is themed after couples, the celebration of love, Valentine’s Day and the various ways that we as gay men feel.

Where do you get your inspiration as a photographer?
My inspirations come from a wide variety of places. It can be a lyric or song that sets me thinking of an image I’d like to create. Classic stories and literary archetypes can also play a part in my inspiration. I try to pull in an emotional viewpoint, and in the case of this particular showing, some sensuality or eroticism. These art showings are usually way more charged than my fashion work, and of course sometimes it’s all just a pretty picture. [laughs]


Any interesting anecdotes from the shoots for this photo showing? Favorite models, memorable moments, anything like that?
You know, the most interesting thing about my shoots is the openness of the models themselves. There’s an intimacy in a lot of these works that is amazing to shoot, and I’m privileged that they’ve all felt so comfortable showing me these aspects of themselves. I genuinely enjoy learning about them and what makes them tick.


A Photo Showing by Ryan Colford
Posh Bar & Lounge
405 West 51st St. New York, NY 10019
(Off 9th Ave.) poshbarnyc.com
Opening Night: Wednesday, February 13. Free champagne & hors d’oeuvres 8-9 p.m. from Bamboo 52 and 123 Burger Shot Beer.


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