Ricky Jarman

Hot, talented, 23-year-old Ricky Jarman, hailing from North Carolina with an accent to prove it, is a talented, amazing singer. he is about to come out with a new album (yet to be named), but in the mean time he suggests you take a look at his videos on Vevo. Besides having a singing career, he is also a model, an actor and a dancer. he is sexy, talented, sweet and polite. He’s got it all! meet Ricky Jarman – who, by the way, will be performing at The Get Out! Awards on October 5 at shadow boxers.

Ricky, how many hours do you spend at the gym per week?
Oh, man! I go about every day, but I’m only there like an hour and a half, so maybe 15 hours a week.
Where are you from?
Actually, I’m from the south. I’ve only been living in New York for 10 or 11 months. It’s kinda in between.

I love your accent!
Yeah, I live here, up in Washington Heights area in Manhattan.

So you’re a model and a singer.
Yes. I also act as well.

So you do it all.
Yeah, I try to. I always had a huge interest in a bunch of different categories in the entertainment industry growing up. I was always encouraged to try and be as well rounded as possible. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve just been doing different things. I’ve done theater, I’ve done film, I’ve done gymnastics. So yeah, I try to stay pretty well rounded.

You have a new album going to be released. Does it have a name?
The name is pending right now, so I’m not 100% sure on the name yet. I kind of just want something that’s gonna stand out. So I’m still waiting to name it. The goal is to release the album by the end of the year. That’s the goal. If not the end of the year for some reason, then it will definitely be released by January. It’s still in production right now. I’m using a couple different producers, and one of the main producers is located in Ukraine. That’s why it’s the unforeseen things, cause I know the conflicts that are going on there right now. Right now things are moving pretty steadily, and we’re on our way to meeting the deadline, but you can never tell what’s going on in the news right now.

How old are you?
I’m 22, but my birthday is tomorrow.

Happy birthday! What are you going to do for your birthday?
I don’t know! I’m kind of a low-key guy. When it comes to things like my birthday, I’m not extravagant. I’ll probably go have dinner with a few friends and then maybe go to a club.

What’s your favorite club in New York thus far?
There’s so many good ones. As long as they have like a really good DJ who has good music, I’m good to go. I can’t really deal with all the house music; I need some hip hop in my life. Me growing up in the south, hip hop was really big. That’s what I’m used to. I’ve been to a couple of clubs here where all they play is trance music. I don’t know how people get into it. I guess I’d have to be tripping to enjoy it.

Why did you move to New York?
It was definitely music. I was trying to decide whether it was gonna be Los Angeles or New York, but at the time my family was still living in North Carolina. I wanted it to be a little closer. It was more convenient for me to be a drive away than a flight away, but it just so happens they moved over to the West Coast – my dad got a new job – so I guess I just lost out on that one.

Oh, no!
It was kind of ironic, but I’m glad I came to New York because I’m not sure I’d be able to deal with the traffic in L.A. My patience when it comes to road rage – just being in the traffic, it would really run thin very easy.

New York isn’t the best place for traffic either, in case you haven’t noticed.
Oh yeah, but New York has a subway.

So you’re working on some music stuff. How about the acting?
Actually I got hit up today by a friend of mine from ADTV. A friend of mine is putting together a Web series for the website. He asked me if I’d like to be a part of it. ADTV is really big in the gay community. It seems they need a little diversity in the series. So if all goes well I’ll be playing the straight guy with the girlfriend type thing.

Which two celebrities would you like to have as parents?

I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would be good parents.

When you wake up in the morning, what motivates you?
Music is definitely what motivates me. My career is what motivates me. That’s what I eat, breathe and sleep.

And your videos are amazing by the way.
I appreciate that. It’s a lot of hard work.

What’s your favorite color?
It’s a split between red and sky blue.

If you could do whatever you wanted on earth for one day and as much of it as you wanted, what would it be?
I would party. I’d party the night, the week, the year away!

What’s your favorite quality about yourself?
My favorite quality is that I’m genuine.

If you could pick anyone in history to have dinner with, who would it be?
I would choose Michael Jackson since he’s a musical idol of mine.

Who inspired you growing up?
Michael Jackson, Justin TImberlake and actually Toto and Earth, Wind and Fire are influences of mine as well, just because that was just what my dad was into, so I was raised on that type of music.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in infatuation at first sight, but not love at first sight.

You’re a superhero – what are your powers?
Definitely flying is one of them. I think flying, invisibility and super strength.

Tell me something about yourself that you’d want me to know.
I’m a dedicated and hardworking individual.

Anything that you’d like to promote?
My social media links would be awesome.

Yell them out…
My Twitter is: rickyjarman1
My Instagram is: officialrickyjarman
My website is: officialrickyjay.com

My music is on Vevo and available on iTunes.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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