Nancy Love

Speaking of setting the world on fire, this new pop/electropop star has come out of nowhere. tucked away in Toronto, she has hit her social media empire with a huge bang! Nancy Love has the voice of an angel and the beauty and talent to go with it, as well as spunk. She writes her own songs – all fun, danceable and amazing. she’s got it going on, and nothing is going to stop her!
After speaking with Nancy, I’ve decided that this young recording artist is one of the most well spoken and intelligent human beings I have ever encountered. She had the most animated and electrifying personalities that one can ever imagine.

I have a bunch of questions to ask you, because I am very impressed with your talent.

Aww, really?

Yep. Your songs are over the top, your voice is impressive, you’re beautiful, you have the entire package and you seem to have an incredibly large social media empire.

I’m on the Internet every single day. I’m really into social media. Social media’s my thing – like, if you’re not online, on social media, it’s like you really don’t exist.

Yeah, true.

So it’s kind of like a “brand.” Everything that I do, every show, every event, every interview, like the tiniest thing that I do, I let everybody know, because I feel like once they know they’re connected to me. It’s the best way for them to know where I am, so that I can grow. If you’re doing stuff and you’re not updating, it’s like you haven’t done anything.

I feel like you work on it day and night.

I do. All my social media, I’m on it 24/7. I’m thinking “Oh, what should I post today?” I never go to bed without posting something, cause I know in a year from now it’ll be bigger and there’ll be more people. There are a lot of people now that are interested in what I’m doing, so…

You can almost paint your own career that way.

Yeah. I heard about that through my manager. He’s taught me a lot with social media. He’s basically the one who told me if you’re not on there it’s like you don’t exist. I feel if you mean business you’ve gotta put yourself out there. That’s the new thing.

I agree. So last year you came out with an album titled “This Is Me.” So what’s next on your agenda?

Next on the list is a Christmas single. That’s a surprise; I kind of dropped the bomb on everybody. I never told anyone in two months that something was coming up. I just let them know a month before it’s going to be released, so it’s more of a surprise, and they don’t have to wait as much. It’s been a year since I haven’t released anything, but the album has been very successful, and I’m still carrying on with that, singing all the time. So it’s a Christmas single I’m releasing, hopefully in November.

Now how about touring?

I did have a tour this summer called “The Summer of Love Tour.” It was my own original tour I created. It was very independent based. I contacted a bunch of event organizers and people that were looking for performers. I had like the biggest tour. I went all over Canada.

You should come to New York.

I would love to go to New York. I’ve had many people tell me, “If you were to go to N.Y., I’m pretty sure you’d explode.” I think I would fit.

You would, for sure Your songs and music are very New York now. So danceable, so club.

I think I’ll be able to this year.

Do you have a favorite song?

I’ve been asked this question, and it’s so hard to answer. I feel like I can’t choose one. It’s like, “Who’s your favorite kid?”

Is there one you like to perform more, one more fun to perform?

Definitely my faster songs are always the funnest ones, because just in general I’m a very bubbly and outgoing kind of person, so of course the songs like “Your Body,” “Miss Extreme” would be the ones I prefer, because I’m moving to my own music.

What are your musical influences?

That’s like easy to answer. I would say like #1 is Christina Aguilera. I feel like her songs and her texture of her voice, I kind of have like a little bit of that in my music because I was so influenced by her while I was growing up. She’s been a huge inspiration, and I feel like even though she’s way older now, that when she first came out with “Genie in a Bottle,” I feel like she’s grown so much, she’s so versatile. I feel like she still has that young fresh thing, like she’ll never get old to me. Her voice is by far the most diverse and different voice, it’s distinctive. If you’re in the car and she comes on the radio, you know it’s her. That’s kind of like that’s what I want my fans to hear in my music. Mariah Carey was also like a huge influence. I would also say like Lady Gaga, but in a sense I feel like no one can compete with her. The Beatles too for sure.

What’s your favorite thing about humanity?

My favorite thing would be that we all share the same emotion. We all go through the same things but in different ways, and I love that we all know what happy feels like and what excited feels like, because it’s all something we have in common. We all have our ups and downs, and I feel like through my music I can retrospect those emotions. Obviously when you hear one of my sad songs you’re gonna feel something or remember something in your past that you might have remembered by listening to my music, and if it’s happy you’re automatically a little content. Emotion is what fascinates me. I feel like we’re all equal, we’re different but actually inside we’re all the same. I’m gonna be honest and say humanity does need to change a little, because some people don’t accept other people for who they are. I feel like that’s wrong, because everyone is born for a reason, so in some ways it’s good and in other ways it’s not so good.

If you could trade places with anyone for a day, dead or alive, who would it be?

Justin Bieber.

[Both of us laugh for a while.]

I wouldn’t mind being a guy for a day. I would try and lift up a car or something. It would be so cool just to be a guy cause I’m a girl, especially to be “the” guy, like Justin Bieber. I feel like it would be hilarious because… He’ll be known forever . My kids’ kids’ kids’ kids will know of him. There’s been artists trying for 10 years and they’re not even as famous as him.

Is there anything in the world that you simply cannot live without?

I cannot live without my family, my friends and I cannot live without my phone or my Internet. I need to check my phone, I just need to know what’s going on in the world. I need to see what my fans are saying. I’m like a big nerd about it.

Let’s say you’re 80 years old. What are you going to tell your kids?

Don’t do what you think you wanna do. Do what you love to do. You don’t wanna be 40 and have a 9 to 5 job – now I can’t do anything else. Do what you want because you could be dead tomorrow.

Your life is a soundtrack. What songs are playing?

“I Am the Tiger.” “Macarena” cause I’m silly. “Diva” by Beyonce.

Pick two celebrities to be your parents.

Beyonce and Jay-Z

You’re a new addition to a crayon box. What’s your color?

Pink with Sparkles.

You started singing very young, correct?

Yes, very young.

Where did you sing?

I was about four when I first started. I was in the choir for three years. It was the Portuguese Children’s Choir, because I’m Portuguese. I’ve just kind of always been around music. I performed everywhere around Toronto, Canada, for those three years. I was used to being on TV and in front of audiences, so to me that was natural. Besides that, even when I was little I was not a shy kid. I was very, very out there, and I still am.

Is there anything else that you would like to promote?

Yeah, just my single. Check that out and my social media.

Does it have a name yet?


Twitter: @NancyMusicWorld

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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