Mr. Man Awards Hollywood’s Best (Un)dressed

Gearing up for this weekend’s Academy Awards, Mr. Man has revealed the winners of the 6th Annual Manatomy Awards, recognizing the past year’s naked male achievements in film and TV. 

The Manatomy Award for Best Nudecomer goes to Nick Clifford, Glow.

“For years, nude scenes were primarily the domain of female actresses,” says Phil Henricks of Mr. Man, the world’s leading online library of every male nude scene in the history of film and television.  Millions of fans flock to the site each month.  “That has been changing as each year there are more scenes and actors to choose from. We are celebrating the fine actors who have the balls to go naked.” 

Winners were chosen through a comprehensive process that included the editorial, production and marketing teams from Mr. Man.  They selected five contenders for each of their 43 categories and then sat in a conference room, re-watched all the scenes, narrowed down their selections and voted on their winners.  “It got heated in the room,” admits Henricks, citing Jake Gyllenhaal in Velvet Buzzsaw as an example.  “Jake came close, but in the end, it was decided that he didn’t show enough nudity.” 

The full list of winners for the 6th Annual Manatomy Awards are available.  They include:

·       Best Picture:  Sauvage / Wild, Strand Releasing 

·       Best Butt:  Ricky Whittle, American Gods

·       Best Full Frontal:  Jack Reynor, Midsommar

·       Celeb Nude Debut:  Miles Heizer, 13 Reasons Why

·       Best Nudecomer: Nick Clifford, Glow

·       Best TV Show:  Tales of the City, Netflix

·       Best Bulge: Shawn Mendes, Calvin Klein advertisement

·       Best Gay Makeout: Taron Egerton and Richard Madden, Rocketman 

·       Lifetime Achievement:  Daniel Craig

New categories added in 2020 include:

Best Locker Room Scene:  Euphoria

Best Bloomin’ Onion:  Orlando Bloom, Carnival Row

The Best Bloomin’ Onion category was specifically created to spotlight Orlando Bloom’s back-side in Carnival Row. Best Locker Room Scene was added to honor the iconic 21-member full frontal scene in Euphoria.

For more information and the complete list of 6th Annual Manatomy Awards winners, visit:  All 43 winning scenes are viewable in their entirety with free signup.

Ben Nelson

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