Photos By: @bob_of_scotland_studio – Robert Frashure

Lyle Anthony

Rising Global LGBTQ Superstar Releases “My

Photos By: @bob_of_scotland_studio – Robert Frashure

South African, L.A.-based pop star Lyle Anthony has just released “My Forever”, his second single from his up and coming EP entitled “The Love Project.” In a celebrated collected effervescence, the “My Forever” video features some of L.A.’s finest entertainers, including Hollywood’s most prestigious drag queens, LGBTQ inclusive professional dancers, and Miss Shalae, a transgender Beyonce impersonator.

Lyle Anthony has learned
that there is a greater gift than the love and trust of others, and that is to love and trust yourself. Some people call it confidence, others call it faith, but if it makes us brave, the label doesn’t matter, for it’s a theme that frees us to embrace life itself. “My Forever” is a celebration of inclusion and love, and it’s based on Lyle’s journey of soul-searching and finding the beauty in self-love and self acceptance. The music video is a story of Lyle’s dating life, figuring out sexuality and embracing his journey of love.

Lyle Anthony hopes to be able to travel the world and perform at every Pride event he can across the globe. It’s his wish to positively influence the younger LGBTQ community, as well as aspiring performers, to be whoever they are and love themselves wholeheartedly.


Hello, Lyle. What inspired you to become a performer?
All of my life, I wanted to be a performer. When I was in primary school, my choir teacher always wanted me to audition, but she always had these two cute little girls with her. They were twins. She would ask me to sing for her, but I would be so freaked out and I would never, never make the choir. It’s been my life‘s mission to be a singer and performer. I always knew from a young age that I could sing, so I had to train myself through all the rejection and all of that. The game changer was when I won the International Franchise show, Popstars, in South Africa and became a part of the Popstars Wall of Fame, which includes the likes of Nicole Scherzinger and Girls Aloud.

That’s a sad story, but it turned out positive. Was there a moment that you can recall that changed the whole trajectory of your life?
Yes. I believe in God, but I had a huge struggle with God after I left the ministry. I struggled with this religion and how they said that God hated gays. It kind of affected me, so I had a huge fight with God. I was in a club in Miami and I’ll never forget this, but this straight guy came up to me and said “Stop fighting God.” I asked him what he was talking about and he said, “You’re in a fight right now in your life with God.” That moment changed my life forever. He told me that I should accept and love who I am wholeheartedly and that I was OK and whatever I was going through in my life at the time was going to be OK. I think that changed the trajectory of my life because I started believing in myself so much. I started to believe that I am able. All the things that I was lied to about became a reality and I had to trust that. Shortly after that encounter was when I moved to Los Angeles.

What is the gay scene like in South Africa?
I’ll tell you this. I am from South Africa and we always joke and say that South Africa is not really a part of Africa, but it really is. But we have never had an issue like some other African countries that are trying to silence our LGBTQ voices.

Did you know that South Africa legalized gay marriage 15 years ago? America did it only like six years ago. So gay marriage was legalized a very long time ago in South Africa and a lot of people don’t realize that. However, I’ll be honest–there’s a closed-mindedness of certain groups of South Africans that still exists. A lot of people are ignorant about the LGBTQ community at large. I think there is a little of that everywhere. You can’t please everybody.
Right, but we are so fabulous and so amazing! People kind of want to be us, but they’re also scared of us all at the same time.

That is so completely true.
I always say that every straight woman needs a gay best friend.

Yes! So if you could have me ask you any question on the planet, what would it be and how would you answer it?
Wow, that is a deep question. I think more than anything, “How were you able to accept yourself?” I think the answer to that is not giving a damn about what anybody else thought about me. It’s when I look in the mirror, the person looking back at me felt loved and that I was OK with ME. So that love I see in that mirror is my answer.

Well, you’re talented and glamorous. What is there not to love?
It’s always those who are talented and glamorous that seem to not be content or happy with who they are. I’m so blessed to be happy with who I am as a human being in my own skin. I try to live as authentically as possible and don’t really care about what anybody else thinks about me when it comes to negativity or criticism. I don’t mean that in a conceited way, I just know who I am and I know that I’m so OK with being who I am.

There is nothing wrong with having confidence.
I think there is such a difference between confidence and arrogance. When you are full of yourself, it shows, you can see it, and it stinks. But when you’re able to walk into a room with a silent confidence that turns heads because you’re more than OK with being who you are and being yourself, people see the difference.

Where do you want to be in five years?
I want to be really wealthy. Sometimes people wonder why you want wealth, but when you’re wealthy, things that matter in real life don’t really matter. However, I want to be able to use that wealth to help other people in the LGBTQ community. I think there is such a need–and this isn’t just a Miss Congeniality answer–there is such a need within our community for self-love and accepting yourself.

What are you currently wishing to promote?
I’m promoting my new single and music video, “My Forever”. The video was directed by the incredible Brad Hammer and was at large made possible by Jose Ramos and the Impulse Group, which stands to make a huge difference within the arts for the LGBTQ community. My producer of the single is none other than Carl Seanté and the Wiidope team, who have produced for the likes of Tamar Braxton, Ciara, Todrick Hall and Brandy, to name a few. The video’s creative direction and choreography is led by the immensely talented Christopher Pitsicalis, who has many years of experience in the professional dance world. The video has just been released, featuring some of Los Angeles’ finest performers and dancers. It’s my second single on my debut EP, which is called “The Love Project.” “Love Wins” was my first single, and I want to be able to perform it at Prides around America and the world.

Entertainers and dancers include Bryan Thompson (saxophone), Sam Garfield, Christopher Pitsicalis, Rosa Agius, Dominic Eustes, Tarance Artis from Barbie’s Addiction, AJ Watkins, Mark Daftari, Trevor Ryian, Nick Lemmer and Miss Shalae.

Follow Lyle Anthony on @lyleanthonyofficial (Instagram) @lyleanthony_usa (Twitter) @lyleanthony (Facebook)
Website: I Lyle Anthony (YouTube)

Both “My Forever and “Love Wins” can be streamed and downloaded on all music platforms, including iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, TikTok, Instagram and more. Make sure to check out the “My Forever” Official Music Video on YouTube.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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