Luis Weber

The gorgeous Luis Weber is a trainer at Equinox gyms. I was able to catch him for a brief conversation in between sessions.

Luis, I understand you used to go-go dance.
I did go-go dance for just about a year and stopped this past January. Go-go dancing was fun, but needed to concentrate just on my career.

Where do you train, and who do you train?
I’m a group fitness instructor with Equinox in different locations every day throughout NYC.

What is that exactly?
As in instructor I lead groups of Equinox members through various exercises. There are  many styles of group training. Usually those taking class have a common goal. I just help them reach it.

What kind of classes do you teach?
I coach five different formats: MetCon3, Tabata, Whipped, Ab Lab and Core Conditioning.

Listen, I live on Long Island, and the classes there are like kickboxing. Explain those classes that you coach.
Three of these formats are H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training), 45 minutes to an hour of intense workout, burning fat in less time while still maintaining an elevated heart rate. I teach just about 23 classes per week, and the safety of those in class is my #1 priority. To deliver the best workout and have a blast doing it is the final result.

What types of people get the benefit of your classes
These classes are designed for everyone and anyone, but if unsure always seek your physician’s advice.

Do you train people one on one?
I don’t anymore. I started with Equinox as a personal trainer, but my real passion has always been group fitness. I transferred within the company.

Plus you must work out during your classes.
During class I coach and display the exercises, which takes a little working out of my part.

And no more go-go dancing.
No more. When I dance it’s all just for fun.

Where is Equinox?
Many locations in NYC, but currently have classes at 11 of them.

Do you follow any diet?
I eat small meals several times a day, just about every three hours. These meals are high in protein with all the greens possible, but let’s be real, I love my occasional pizza. I don’t believe in cheat days since most take in more than what the body can handle. We all have urges. Treating yourself to something yummy but not so healthy is definitely a perk of working out. It’s all about balance and moderation. The greatest advice was given to me by one of my instructors in the fire department many years ago: to stay hydrated. During a strenuous workout, hydration plays a key role increasing metabolism and assisting with digestion. With time it has gotten easier for me to plan out my meals, but it’s not always easy to do so.

How much do you weigh?
170 pounds.

How tall are you?

Do you have any body fat?

Is that good?


Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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