Kacy Hill

Artist Kacy Hill’s new release “Like A Woman” is an experiment in sexuality, and she’s inviting her fans to taste something exciting. The album isn’t only about sex but about intimacy, longing, and heartbreak as well.

After some pictures of Kacy modeling for American Apparel appeared online, she became uncomfortable and thought them scandalous. She then went to her mentor Kanye West for advice. His advice to Hill inspired her to make some changes in her sound and in her story. She began focusing on her voice and writing from parts of her that were previously kept closed.

Get Out was able to share some questions and answers with her regarding her new release….

What inspired this album, “Like A Woman”, and does it have an underlying theme ?
The album was written over about two and a half years, so the songs ended up covering a lot of ground in my life. I was nineteen and living alone in LA when I started writing the record, so the album discusses being alone and finding myself and what it is to be a woman separately from any kind of relationship or family.

This album feels like it’s somewhat personal to you, what message are you hoping your audience will obtain from it?
It’s super personal to me! It was such a difficult project to finish because there was so little space to disconnect and find perspective. I hope my audience can feel some kind of comfort in being alone and being feminine and vulnerable.

If you could have your ultimate stage fantasy, what would have to happen?
Cher and Beyoncé would be my backup and I would perform on a cloud with lasers and every audience member would cry at every song. Or I can maybe settle one day for full orchestral arrangements of the album played in a big, beautiful cathedral.

Are you planning a tour to support the album?
YES!! I have never been more excited for anything.

If you believe that music can change the world, what song would you use to change it?
This is the hardest question I have ever been asked. Maybe “Ojalá” by Silvio Rodríguez or “All Waters” by Perfume Genius. Something extra tender and loving and beautiful.

Do you feel that music is a destiny for you, something that you were born to do?
I think about this a lot. I think I was supposed to do a lot of things and music is certainly one of them. It makes me happier than anything else in the world.

Do you have an idol? Who are your musical inspirations?
I don’t have an idol. I didn’t grow up immersed in tons of pop culture, so I don’t think I got the idol mentality ingrained in me. I’m inspired by sooooo many artists! I’ve always been inspired by the songwriting of Regina Spektor, Sufjan Stevens, Sheryl Crow, and more rock-y and alt rock-y groups like The Shins, The Cure, The Cranberries. It’s honestly such an extensive list- I don’t really have one definitive source of inspiration.

If you can say anything to your fans and followers what would you say?
I am immensely flattered and in disbelief every single day of my life that people want to listen to my music and follow my journey, so a giant THANK YOU. 2. I am much more dorky IRL.

What advice would you give baby Kacy knowing what you know now?
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. I still have to remind myself of it constantly.

Any new projects following your new release?
YES. Working on as many things as I can. All I want to do is write and write and write and keep creating.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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