ON POINT WITH: Hanukah Lewinsky

This multi-talented, “very Jewish, very political,” very funny queen has been a star of the competition circuit for a minute now, but she’s about to improv her way onto one of NYC bar drag’s best stages. It’s time for all of us to worship Hanukah Lewinsky!

Interview >>>

Hello Hanukah! Are you a native New Yorker?
I’m not! I moved here for college back in 2014 (in another borough) and then moved to Manhattan after I graduated in 2018. But I’m originally from Massachusetts, just about 25 minutes west of Boston.

How might you describe the Hanukah Lewinsky experience to the uninitiated, as far as the looks and numbers you serve?
I’m always trying to get a laugh out of people. I always say I’m an encyclopedia of useless information and references, and I’ve found that when I put the random ideas/audio bites into numbers, the audience is on the same page as me. I love making mixes and having the audience laugh at all the things I find funny. I love finding instantly recognizable songs that blend perfectly with the niche audio I’m obsessed with. As for looks, I love basing a look in a certain era: ‘60s and ‘70s fashion is by far my favorite. But recently, I’ve been falling in love with the ‘90s and the Fran Fine style of it all!

Kiki Ball-Change is your drag mom. How did that adoption come about?
It was very serendipitous, honestly! We floated around similar circles (before I started drag), so we kind of knew who each other were. Once I started drag, I would always mention to my boyfriend Andrew how much I admired Kiki, how she inspired me with everything she did, and how I wanted her to be my drag mother. Kiki and I would talk a lot, and as I started doing more virtual things (around this time last year), we realized how similar we were. We would go on live together on Instagram while doing our makeup, FaceTimeing, and stuff like that. I think we were on FaceTime in January of last year and she popped the question! She took a huge chance on me before ever seeing me live, so I’m so grateful for her words of wisdom, guidance and love. She’s not only my mother, but also one of my best friends. She really does inspire me with everything she does.

What’s in store for you?
Hanukkah (the holiday) is coming up at the end of the month, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve for that. Otherwise, I’d just say come check us out at Playhouse every Sunday at 3pm [for “Yas And”, an improvised show hosted by Kiki where I appear as a rotating co-host]!

Thanks Hanukah, and have a Happy Hanukkah!

Get Out! Contributor

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