Get Out! Awards 2012

The Third Annual Get Out! Magazine Awards were held Saturday, May 5, 2012, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Splash. The winners of the following categories are chosen by YOU!

Get Out! Magazine 2012 Award Winners – The People

2012 Icon Award Sherry Vine
NYC Performer Lady Bunny
NYC Drag/Trans Performer Holly Dae
Drag/Trans Live Singer Peppermint
NYC Comedy Drag Bianca Del Rio
RuPaul’s Personality (any season) Sharon Needles
GoGo Boy Geronimo
Club DJ Steve Sidewalk
Bar DJ Scotty Rox

Plus all of the bar and club winners!

Special thanks to Nikki Exotika, Oh My Josh, Melania Sorte Martinez, Victoria Chase, Marti Gould Cummings, Aiden Leslie, Geo Louis, Sir Honey Davenport for performing.

Extra special thank you to Miki Alvarez and Randy Alvarez for handing out the awards; Bianca Del Rio for hosting; Michael Musto, Frankie C and Jesse Volt for your stage-side help; for all our special award winners; and for everyone who voted and attended the awards.


Get Out! Magazine

Featuring content from the hottest gay and gay-friendly spots in New York, each (free!) issue of Get Out! highlights the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, spas and other businesses throughout NYC’s metropolitan area that the city’s gay population is interested in.

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