GeO Louis

“My video portrays a gay man in Hollywood who feels he needs to publicly keep a straight man’s persona, something that is pretty common for entertainers and just silly at this point.  I’ve chosen to do the opposite with my career, because people shouldn’t feel they can’t be themselves and still achieve the goals they’ve set in life.” so Says GeO Louis, proudly, about his new single and video “Him,” about to be released October 7.

GeO Louis is hot, gym wrapped, brave, intelligent and polite, and on top of all of that he can really sing! He has all the ingredients needed to become the next super idol. GeO is what dreams are made of!

Your brand new song is going to be released October 7.
It’s more for me this time around. It’s more about the video and the visuals. The name of the song is called “Him,” and the name of the video is “Him.” We shot it in Los Angeles. A chick named Erin Heart was really cool; a super talented director shot it for me, and the song and the video are going to release on the same day.

What’s the song about?
It’s a simple kind of pop song, a simple kind of love story about two guys who met, as opposed to being about a girl and a guy, which is what we typically hear on the radio. I just kinda felt that we’ve come to a time that… I’m a gay dude, I’ve lived with straight men, and there’s no reason why a straight guy or a straight woman can’t listen to another dude that just happens to be singing a song about another dude.

I agree, totally!
It’s not that big of a deal anymore, you know.

It’s unusual, and people will notice it.
I hope so. I was kind of nervous making it, the first video that I’m doing. Boys are in the video and taking that perspective, but I’m excited that I did it. I’m excited that I took the lead.

Now do you have a boyfriend?
I do have a boyfriend in the video, yeah.

When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?
I’ve been singing and making music since I was 12 years old. It was one of those things where my dad put me in baseball and karate school. I think we even tried a bowling league. He was like, “What the hell do you wanna do?” I was kind of like, “I just wanna be Michael Jackson.” He was like, “God damn it, what am I supposed to do about that?” He just started going out and talking to people and eventually got me in a studio and started recording demos. I was 12, and little by little that got me into a group – and through the years I’ve just been kind of working at it really.

How many times a week do you go to the gym?
Well, I’ve been in Los Angeles now for the past two years.  When I’m in L.A. I’m in the gym all the time. When I’m in New York and traveling, it kind of gets harder to be at the gym. I was just in Dublin for a couple of weeks, and I was totally living on like bread and potatoes and not working out – relaxing – so I’m excited to go back to the gym and get back in my swing and gym mode.

Do you also model?
I don’t consider myself a model. When you’re a singer you wind up doing photo shoots that tie in with your music, so I guess it’s a form of modeling.

Do you write all your songs?
I do. Through the years I’ve collaborated with different people, and kind of perfected and learned how to write and become a better writer, but yeah, I do write all my songs.

If you had one day on earth to do whatever you wanted to do and as much of it, what would that be?
I would sit on a beach, probably in Thailand, and do absolutely nothing – and chill the hell out.

If you could pick two celebrities to be your parents, who would they be?
That’s a good one – Beyonce and Justin Timberlake, cause I think that Justin Timberlake would be fun as hell, and Beyonce, she’d be that “mom” figure and tell you exactly what to do cause she’s always on her A game, and Justin Timberlake would be like a fun kind of lenient dad, and they’re both musical.

What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it?
I think moving to Los Angeles. Moving from New York to LA was a pretty difficult period in my life. It was one of those things where if I was going through something or times were kind of hard, I didn’t have my family – it was kind of just me against the world, being on my own. It can kind of get lonely at times, but thankfully I’ve been there for two years, and I made friends, so that’s all changed. But moving from one huge city to another huge city was definitely a challenge.

If you could go to bed with any celebrity in the world, who would it be?
Colton Haynes. He seems like a good cuddler.

Interesting answer! Your life story has just hit the headlines; what do the headlines read?
Something along the lines of “Fighter,” “Driven,” someone who’s just fought to have a music career my whole life. It’s not about fame for me, and it’s not about “celebrity” and all that kind of nonsense. It’s genuinely about making music. I like recording, and I like being in the studio. That’s all it’s always been about.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I kind of change my mind about that all the time. I think there were times in my life I felt like, OMG! I kind of become bipolar when I think of love at first sight and relationships.

What would you want me to know about you?
For those who don’t know anything about me, I’m kind of a genuine person. I spend a lot of time with my family. My focus has always been the same: It’s always been to be a musician. I’m just a really genuine, humble, down-to-earth kind of person. I like to make music, I like to go to concerts, I like to hang with my family, and that’s pretty much me in a nutshell.

Eileen Shapiro

Best selling author of "The Star Trek Medical Reference Manual", and feature celebrity correspondent for Get Out Magazine, Louder Than War, and Huffington Post contributor, I've interviewed artists from Adam Ant, Cyndi Lauper, and Annie Lennox to Jennifer Hudson, Rick Springfield, LeAnn Rimes, and thousands in between. My interviews challenge the threat of imagination....

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