
Many times we find ourselves having trouble finding reasonable accommodations when we travel. The options are usually expensive, and they don’t always fit with the average gay traveler’s needs in terms of location, facilities and a friendly attitude. is a new website whose goal is to make gay tourism easier and less expensive, enabling gay people to travel as frequently and freely as they would like. It accomplishes this by allowing anyone anywhere to publish his own apartment or a room in his apartment for sublet.

The website provides a platform of services for the gay tourist in the world’s most popular gay destinations. It focuses only on gay-friendly cities, which attract massive numbers of gay tourists all year round, such as New York, Berlin, Madrid, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro and Barcelona, among others. The website is primarily dedicated to finding accommodations in these big cities. Hotel prices there are usually not cheap at all, especially in the center of the city and/or the gay area and during the high season, and all the more so during a gay event (such as pride or a festival) when hotels are overpriced and overbooked.

Gay-ville provides you with all the necessary information about your destination: what to see and what to do, where the gay area is, how liberal is the city, which events and parties are taking place during your stay, gaymaps, transportation guides, tips about the city from local gays and local gay lingo.

Visit Gay-ville at:

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Get Out! Magazine

Featuring content from the hottest gay and gay-friendly spots in New York, each (free!) issue of Get Out! highlights the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, spas and other businesses throughout NYC’s metropolitan area that the city’s gay population is interested in.

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