Fit in the City: “F” It!
By Christopher J. Paige
European suits, cuties everywhere, Friday nights at G Lounge: There are thousands of reasons to want to be fit as a New Yorker. Some are blessed with genes of a god, and some are cursed by the hell of fat cells. I say, “F” IT!
Friends – Pair up with a partner or your partner! It makes exercise time and maintaining a fit lifestyle easier and natural. Plus, it’s great time to catch up on what happened last night or plann the next adventure.
Food – Remember mom said, “You are what you eat!”? Who knew how right she was? So don’t expect to have a six pack if all that’s in the fridge is a six pack. Cook with friends; learn about calories. Rule of thumb: Multiply the weight that you wish to maintain by 10, and that’s an estimate of your recommended daily calories.
Fun – Your workout regimen or food plan should not be more complicated than a season of “Lost.” So don’t lose the fun factor. Plan healthier versions of your favorite meals, not rabbit food. Take a new class each week. Change your workout every month. Some gyms, like New York Sports Clubs, have multiple locations, so switch up your scenery. You’ll never find Mr. Right if you always use that last treadmill on the right.
Fierce! – To look like a cover model for Get Out!, you’ve got to get in the game with gusto. Quality and quantity matter here, boys. Break a sweat! Take shorter breaks between sets. Studies show that listening to motivational talk or books on tape on your iPod can improve your workout’s results and focus. It’s hard to go home with the hard-bodied boy when you soft-shoe exercised for six months!
Fashion – Face it, fashion is half the motivation for fitness (the other half is looking good without those clothes). There’s a plethora of smart, sexy clothing styles and gym bags for running, lifting, yoga or general fitness. Nothing says fashion and fitness forward than your portable Versace Food Jar!
Stay Fit in the City!
Christopher Paige works in fitness in Downtown Manhattan. He lost 180 pounds and has maintained that loss for over 10 years. For fitness questions and more, contact him at
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Christopher J. Paige
Fit in the City