Drag Performer of the Month: SUDDENLY AUDREY

Best description of my drag: Audrey is the fun, cool aunt who wants everyone to be happy and have fun. She loves making people laugh and providing an outlet of unabridged joy.
How many years I’ve been at it: I started drag about six years ago, but I didn’t start working until the second year, and then we had that global pandemic. So, I consider myself a young and fresh three-and-a-half-year-old.
Original hometown: I was born and raised in the boogie-down Bronx. New York City will always be my home.
Favorite number to do: I have many favorite numbers, which can vary depending on the audience, location, or time of the month. Currently, I enjoy performing my Wendy Williams mix.
A number I will NEVER do: “Defying Gravity” from Wicked.
Reason I started drag: I signed up for a one-night-only drag debut show. I just wanted to try it once. I never expected to make a career out of it! It’s been a wild but gratifying experience.
Most important diva ever: The one and only Kelly Clarkson.
A drag performer I admire: The icon, Coco Peru.
The man of my dreams: A nerd who is passionate about what they love.
Drink of choice: Tequila!
Best thing about drag: Meeting wonderful, mindful people. I adore my sisters endlessly.
Worst thing about drag: Nightlife can have a detrimental impact on one’s mental well-being. It’s important to remember that we are all here to have fun.
Proudest drag moment I’ve had: My first solo-produced event at 3 Dollar Bill, Haus of X, was a whirlwind.
Weirdest drag moment I’ve had: I once got yelled at backstage at Watch What Happens Live by a wildly famous pop star.
Best advice to a new queen: Quit!
Where to find me: Icon Astoria every Saturday
IG: @suddenlyaudrey