NYC’s Halloween Queen

Best description of my drag: Coma White is a voluptuous video vixen and B-movie bimbo. She is a heavy metal chick who’s like the Tawny Kitaen of drag because she also likes to dance and headbang half naked on the hood of a car.

How many years I’ve been at it: I’ve been doing drag for eight years now. 

Original hometown: I’m from “Lawn Guyland”–Rockville Centre, to be exact

Favorite number to do: My “Garbageman” number is a real crowd pleaser. I eat shit out of a garbage can, and it’s topped off by having my friend Stevie puke in my mouth. Everyone gags…literally

A number I will NEVER do: I’ll do anything for a dollar. However, you most likely will not find me doing any Broadway numbers. I’m not a musical theater girlie in the slightest bit.

Favorite cosmetic product: I’m not doing drag unless I have my Laneige Lip Glowy Balm on. My lips look so glossy and pornographic. Gotta have it

Reason I started drag: I love being creative and drag allows me to be the makeup artist, the hairstylist, the photographer, the editor, the videographer, the stylist, I can do it all.

Most important diva ever: Madonna. She is the blueprint. She’s done it all. She’s always pushed the boundaries and is constantly reinventing herself. She’s done so much for the community and It saddens me to see how the gays have turned their backs on her. She’s often imitated, but never duplicated. There will never be another star like her. 

A drag performer I admire: Peaches Christ. She is what I aspire to be like. She created a career from her love of cult horror films, which is something I have begun to do myself, so I’m following in her footsteps in those regards.

The man of my dreams: Hairy and has a beard

Drink of choice: I literally only drink one thing and that’s a margarita. I’m a creature of habit, so I stick to what I know and what I like.

Best thing about drag: Drag has given me so many amazing opportunities. I’ve met and worked with so many amazing people and have met some of my closest friends that I consider family through drag. 

So the best part of drag is not only getting to create art, but the people and connections I have made because of it.

Worst thing about drag: Everything starts to hurt after a while; the shoes, the wig, the corset…I often ask myself why I do this, but I love it too much to not.

Proudest drag moment I’ve had: I’m thankful for every opportunity that I’ve gotten. That sounds like such a pageant answer, but I truly mean it. I’ve gotten to work with so many amazing brands and labels that I look up to, but specifically working with Troma was a proud moment because I’ve been a fan of theirs for so long. Another moment I’m very proud of was getting to not only do a show with Kembra Pfahler, but singing live with her.

Weirdest drag moment I’ve had: Not so much weird, but random. I did a show in a barbershop in the early days of my drag career. Nobody was there, so it was just the performers performing for each other.

Best advice to a new queen: Quit. Don’t do it. Hang up the heels, diva. 

Where to find me: Rockbar lol. I practically live there. I host Brain Damage Horror Trivia there every month with Justin Lockwood. I have a show coming up with Kembra Pfahler on October 29. I’ve been hosting Halloween there for the past three years. I’ve also decided to compete this year for the title of Miss Rockbar. I’ve already done everything a winner does without winning, so let’s crown it now.

(Bonus) Favorite Halloween Candy: I have such a sweet tooth, so I love it all. Give me some peanut M&M’s, or a Reese’s, a Twix, Snickers or some sour candy like Sour Patch Kids or those sour straws. Deeee-lish! 

(Bonus)  Favorite horror monster/killer: Frankenstein is my favorite monster. I’ve had a love for Frankenstein since I was little. I’ve had the same phone background for years now and it’s a picture of Frankenstein. I have a little decapitated Frankenstein head hanging from my car rearview mirror. I have multiple figures of him in my room. He is the quintessential monster to me.

Instagram: @comawhitenyc

Jim Silvestri

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