DJ Xavier

///INTERVIEW BY Sir Honey Davenport ///Photos by Andrew Werner

Having recently started spinning off my own DJ career in the west village at Boots and Saddle, I thought it only right to catch up with some other awesome DJs who have been known to turn the party. For me, DJing is like being a puppeteer: If I pull the right string the kids get their lives and dance all night. This week, I unexpectedly ran into DJ Xavier, and boy did I get him to spill the T on his love life, club experiences and who he believes will keep this city atwirl!

When did you get your start DJing? I started spinning about nine years ago. Honey, and I never looked back.

What DJs do you look up to? DJs I look up to are Rob Sperte, Lina, Corey Craig, Keo Nozari, Frankie Knuckles, Joe Clausell, Francois K and many more!
Are you single? What do you look for in a man and why? Yes, I am currently single at the moment, living life and enjoy every moment to its fullest with my friends. I think I am the most attracted to someone who is honest and open minded. Also, willing to deal with my crazy schedule. I am just a person that’s up for trying something new and learning from it.

What’s the craziest thing you have ever done in a club? Hmm, I think the craziest thing is blowing all the fuses at Fire Island when DJing. So unexpected, but love that place so much!

What is the craziest thing you ever saw someone else do in a club? Watching a full on blowjob happening in front of the DJ booth. I’m happy that my music inspired the happenings that night. At least someone got OFF and I got paid, okurrrr.

If you could die and come back as anyone else, who would it be and why? I think it’d have to be someone like Tupac, or Michael Jackson, or Whitney, or Biggie, or Amy Winehouse, cause even though they died, Honey, they lived their lives (for however short or long they did it). That kind of stuff inspires me to live mine as much as I can!

What is the highlight of your career? I’ve had SOOOO many great moments, it’s hard to describe just one, but if I had to choose it’d be spinning for Madonna at The Ritz here in NYC (best city on earth!). She’s the QUEEN after all!

What advice do you have for aspiring DJs? Stay true to yourself, have fun and know how to treat a crowd well, and let them be part of your party.

New York is so often the genesis for many DJs, drag queens, party promoters, etc. With kids popping up left and right, who do you think is going to be the next big thing? I think anyone can be anybody they want to be in NYC as long as they stay focused and know that wherever they come from they can be themselves in this big (small) city, and there are too many upcoming stars to name just one, such as yourself, Miss Honey Davenport!

How and where can we find you? For all DJ Xavier realness and schedule for the upcoming summer 2013, message
See me at Ritz Bar and Lounge Fridays and Saturdays, G Lounge Sundays and the Bianca
Del Rio Show Mondays! Also, make sure and check me out on Fire Island Pines (July 4), And if you do come to see me, please come up and say hi! I like that shit!
Mwah! Happy Pride, y’all. (I am a Texas kid after all)!

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