DJ Natāzu

Hard-working DJ and cover for this week DJ Natāzu has taking this city by storm.
Natāzu now spins for more drag queens than any other DJ in the city. He even does a show with yours truly Mondays for happy hour at Boots and Saddle from 6-8 p.m. This week I caught up with this rising star that has taking the NYC drag show scene by storm. So NYC, here is a quick snapshot of this week’s cover boy himself, DJ Natāzu. 

Where are you from? What brought you to New York City?
I’m from Thailand. After I did the radio DJ, commercial model and reality show in Thailand, my horizons really expanded, and things got very busy (I was on TV, entertainment newspapers, magazine, tabloid and gossip sites). I found myself LOST at that point six years ago, caught in between my passion and my family business. I needed a new environment, so I could rethink the direction of life.

Describe the perfect partner (either sexually or romantically) for yourself.
A warm heart and a cordial personality. Mutual protection. Plus, doesn’t matter how old. Staying healthy is key as well.

What artists inspire you?
Jennifer Lopez is my inspiration. She’s been through lots of situations in her own personal life and career. She combines artistry and business, which I look up to!

What is something you would want the world to know about you?
My name is spelled Natāzu but read as “Nat-Sue”! Oh and

What is your greatest accomplishment in your career?
My greatest accomplishment was when people from around the world came up to me and said, “The way that you do sound bites and interact at Bob TheDragQueen’s show is incredible. We’ve never seen anything like this before. Can you come to do this kind of show in L.A., San Francisco or London?” That means I accomplished my job as a DJ and entertainer to them.

What is the most embarrassing moment in your career? 
It was Gay Pride in 2010. The bar was extremely busy. I had to pee in a bottle of water!

What advice would you give to up-and-coming nightlife professionals? 
Always be on time. Also make sure you check the reputation of the person or venue that booked you.

What is your favorite thing about NYC nightlife? 
When you are good enough at what you do, it doesn’t matter where you’re from or what race you are, New York nightlife accepts you.

What’s your favorite song to spin right now?
“Crazy Stupid Love” by Cheryl Cole .

Where do see your career at in five years?
I want to be DJ/creator and create a concept party, which will spin off into its own reality TV show.

Where can we find you?
4-8 p.m. Sir Honey Davenport for #YourMadShow at Boots and Saddles
10 p.m. – 2 a.m. The  Bob TheDragQueen Show at Barracuda                                                                                 Tues: 10 p.m. – 2 a.m. The Cut Throat Divas Show with Bootsie LeFaris and Pixie Aventura at Hardware Bar
Wed: 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. The Werk Wednesdays Show with Paige Turner at Hardware Bar
Sat: Rotating DJ from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. for Academy Saturdays at Bar-Tini Lounge
Sun: 10 p.m. Chillax at Therapy with Paige Turner’s Slurp! Show

Photo By: Rick Stockwell 

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