Legendary go-go party Cockfight is heating up and continuing the tradition in the Uptown area on Wednesday nights following the sudden closing of No Parking Bar, which had been jammed packed every Wednesday with up to 20 go-go boys on top of the bar and in the laps of the willing clients. The jam-packed Wednesday crowd made Cockfight look like a Saturday night anywhere else in the city. Now with two venues to choose from, customers have their choice of small and intimate or large and spacious, but my bet will be they pick both spots on Wednesday nights. Everyone wins with more jobs created for dancers, bartenders, staff, promoters, security, nightlife personalities, entertainers, porn stars – and especially clients!

Castro and El Morocco were traditionally closed on Wednesdays but have opened the doors to Cockfight, giving patrons two choices instead of one to bar hop. While the NYC area suffers from a lack of gay dance floors on weeknights, El Morocco is fixing that problem one day at a time. And after just gutting out Le Boy and remodeling from from front to back, Castro opened just last month.

Each week will a competition to see which venue will get the best dancers, best hostesses and best DJs, which should result in better and better Cockfight nights at both venues. I know there will be many patrons fighting for the best cock uptown. There is nothing wrong with a little “stiff” competition, so let the Cockfighting begin!

Manny, Romeo Tragedy and their team bring Cockfight to the new Castro (formally known as Le Boy) at 104 Dyckman St.

Lorenzo, Romeo Romero and their team bring Cockfight to El Morocco Night Club at 3534 Broadway.

Get Out! Contributor

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