Christian Angiulli Bouthillette ( 10/1/1961 – 1/28/2013 )

I met Christian on the dancefloor years ago. And over the last decade our friendship had all the makings of a great party. We had fog, we had great lighting, we had noise, we had laughter, we had the old tunes and we had some really great new beats.

We were the big boys. And we shared many great memories. There were the good times and sometimes the rough times.

Yet, no matter what happened, we would find the humor in it. Christian is well known for his many muscles. But, very few knew his largest muscle was his heart.

He was a gentle giant. Many times we would discuss why everyone had the preconceived notions that we were mean, stuck up or catty, all because of our size and our presence.

He would say, “Don’t they know that we just want to be loved? That we hurt too?” Then he would say, “We know the real us.” Yes, Christian I did know the real you.

And I know many other things. I know you loved Frankie dearly. You loved your family and your friends. And I know we loved our SKIP days where we would meet during the week for lunch and/or time at the beach. We shared many stories and confided in each other. We planned the wedding, discussed his vows and more often than not would fall over in laughter about some joke.

That was Christian, the big man with a huge heart and a wicked sense of humor. Well, Chris, the music from our party still continues. And I know that one day I will see you on that big dance floor in the sky.  Farewell my friend.  Godspeed on your journey.


Ken Hunt
CEO, Steel Gym


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