“Promise me you will survive….that you will never give up….no matter what happens…no matter how hopeless, promise me now“….Jack

Our hearts go on nearly 22 years later after Titanic sailed into theaters, and sank into the minds and souls of nearly everyone on the planet forever…..Once again the Titanic was salvaged but this time with the new off Broadway spectacular “Titanique.” The musical dazzles with talent, humor and heart, and the songs of Celine Dion.

The Asylum Theatre was sold out and packed with standing room only on opening night of Titanique, a musical parody of the eleven-time Oscar winning film. The hilarious adventure began when Celine Dion found herself in the midst of the titanic museum and reenacts the original voyage of the destined ship. 

The musical and the cast were flawlessly unsinkable. Infusing pop culture, an ode to the 90’s, and the catalog of Celine Dion, entangled with the original story, provided Titanique with an awe-inspiring brilliance that doesn’t exist anywhere else on earth. Watching the extravaganza was like traveling through space at an incredible speed and everything we know and love is held in place only by gravity. The whimsical scenarios made us laugh, the music gripped us and the talent excited the hearts of all present.

Celine Dion was portrayed by Marla Mindelle ( the co-author). She was an impeccable Celine sparkling with authenticity. The role of Jack (also co-author) was sensitive and striking. Frankie Grande who played both the roles of Victor Garber and Luigi was absolutely breathtaking, gay and delicious. The Kathy Bates double, Kathy Deitch who was the extreme likeness of Molly Brown was simply arresting on every level. Alex Ellis also stood out as the perfect Rose in every possible way while Ryan Duncan was an uncanny and unapologetic Ruth. Jaye Alexander who doubled as Tina Turner and the iceberg was funny, powerful and decadent and John Riddle portraying the role of Cal was just superb. Even the ensemble, Courtney Bassett and Donnie Hammond were riveting. The remarkable cast had an opulent camaraderie with one other that was evident on stage and to the crowd. They were having fun and so was the audience proven by their 10 minute standing ovation upon conclusion.

Titanique re-ignites the fire that went out on Broadway during the pandemic and brings back the effervescence we’ve all missed……

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