Barbra Streisand: PARTNERS

Barbra Streisand coming out with a new album is a seismic event in the gay world. It’s like Catholics naming a new Pope (thankfully it comes more often). Or Derek Jeter scoring another touchdown. And “Partners,” Streisand’s 34th studio album, is no exception.

It seems inevitable that an artist who has been recording as long as Barbra Streisand has would record a duet album. Granted, she did release “Duets” in 2002, but that only had two new recordings, and the rest of the tracks were previously released material.

Like music icons Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett before her, Streisand has come around to record an entire album of duets. Her “Partners” are all male, and she has only sung with two of them before: Josh Groban, who was on the aforementioned “Duets” CD, and her son Jason Gould, who was part of the “Back to Brooklyn” tour (he is STILL gorgeous, and that boy can SANG!). For all you nitpickers: Although Stevie Wonder provided harmonica for “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man” on “The Broadway Album,” they did not sing together

Also, like Sinatra and Bennett’s efforts, most of the tracks here are Streisand classics – some reimagined as duets and some rearranged completely. There are three songs here that she has never recorded. Overall, it is one of Barbra’s best efforts in recent years. She is in good voice, but more importantly she is in great spirits. She hasn’t had this much fun in ages – and neither have we! For the record, there are 12 tracks, but we will focus on the highlights.

The proceedings begin with Barbra and Michael Bublé tearing up “It Had to Be You,” which begins as a ballad but ends up with Barbra playing to her partner’s strengths in a rip-roaring big band number. The playfulness of the two singing together for the first time sets the perfect tone for what follows.

Another favorite is her duet with Billy Joel on “New York State of Mind.” Originally Billy’s version was more piano-based, Barbra’s was more bluesy and full of sax. This version is a terrific mid-way point of both that ends with an exchange between the two native New Yorkers that only a true Noo Yawker would fully appreciate.

Lionel Richie gets his turn with a new version of “The Way We Were.” Now here is one of THE classic Streisand songs. She has sung it at every concert. It was the number one song of 1974 – of all of the singles released that year. All of them. So, it is her most popular song and the probably the most well known. Here it becomes more guitar-based and slower, rendering it the less strident cousin of “Endless Love” with them lamenting the way their relationship used to be. The two of them ending with “I miss the way we were” makes you hope these two crazy kids will work things out.

The new version of “Evergreen” has all of Babyface’s signature sound and vocal arranging, but it is all Barbra. It is Barbra’s innate ability to tell us a story that has always made listening to her sing such a transcendent experience. Just lovely.

The final duet finds her matching tones with Elvis Presley on “Love Me Tender” a la Natalie and Nat ‘King’ Cole’s “Unforgettable.” Hearing their voices together makes you wonder what “A Star Is Born” would have been like with Elvis playing John Norman (he was Barbra’s first choice for the role). It is a much sweeter arrangement than the original, with a new intro sung by Barbra, and ends with both of them singing “… I love you … and I always will.” We agree completely!


1. It Had To Be You (with Michael Bublé)

2. People (with Stevie Wonder)

3. Come Rain Or Come Shine (with John Mayer)

4. Evergreen (with Babyface)

5. New York State of Mind (with Billy Joel)

6. I’d Want It To Be You (with Blake Shelton)

7. The Way We Were (with Lionel Richie)

8. I Still Can See Your Face (with Andrea Bocelli)

9. How Deep Is the Ocean (with Jason Gould)

10. What Kind of Fool (with John Legend)

11. Somewhere (with Josh Groban)

12. Love Me Tender (with Elvis Presley)

Frank Gaffney

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