The founder of new kiki brand Club Carry, DJ doll and composer Antpuke is on the frontlines of an exciting new scene embodied largely by femme-tastic, experimental techno and hyperpop raves in Ridgewood. Let’s chat!

Interview >>>

Hello, Antpuke! You are part of this scene that’s emerging in Ridgewood now, in venues like H0L0, Nowadays and Trans-Pecos: these kinds of old school rave parties, but with very modern EDM vibes like hyperpop, and very inclusive crowds. That’s got to be a very exciting thing to see happening now.
Yes, I feel it every time I leave the house…even to go to the bodega. I’m so happy to see more queer, black POC folks doing they thang. It makes me so happy.

I know you’re originally from Miami. Tell us more about yourself.
I’m Ava, I’m 22 years-old, and I am the founder/curator of Club Carry. Music has always been a part of me. It’s literally saved my life and helped me find myself as the woman I am now. I started DJing when I was 15.

And how did you come up with my new favorite DJ name?
I always wondered if ants puke, since they are so little and eat so much shit.
Right? How did you come to form Club Carry?
I first came to New York on a mini tour to play [Pauli Cakes‘ party brand] “DisCakes.” Memphy (she’s a co-founder of Club Carry) and I were originally the youngest dolls in the clurb. We wanted to create something cute for other dolls. We were inspired by [my indie EDM record label] New World Dysorder and all the work that they’ve been doing for the dolls. We wanted to see more dolls taking over.

Can you describe the music that you and the other Club Carry DJs like to play?
I enjoy DJing 140 BPM and up. I love to rage. I like to keep my DJ sets a surprise. I enjoy playing rap/techno/grabber and experimental. I really enjoy booking people who can take me somewhere away from the dance floor. I love to book people who just do the fucking thing on the decks. No rules. No bra, no panties.

Is there a big, regular crowd that keeps showing up or is it always new people?
Honestly, every event is new faces and old faces. I love it so much!

Is there anything coming up for you?
I’m having my Basement NYC debut on December 4th, and Club Carry and DisCakes are coming to Miami to take over during Art Basel.

Amazing! Last question: What was your favorite new track or remix to play in 2021?
Honestly, “Closer” by DJ Ibon has been healing.

Thanks Antpuke!

Get Out! Contributor

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