Alicia Madison

EDM artist Alicia Madison not only has a voice like an angel and the energy of a tiger, but a humorous, vivacious, animated personality as well. Her new single “I Surrender” was released May 11, and she will be performing at The Get Out Magazine Awards on June 1 at Boots and Saddle. 

Very well known in the EDM scene, Madison has just came off of attending the Trevor Project Spring Fling and will be performing at Chicago Pride.

I am in love with your new song, “I Surrender.” How long have you been singing?
You mean literally, the first time I belt out a song?

I would say 14 years old is probably the first time I sang in public, or, I mean, in front of my mom, and her eyes were closed.

Were you shy?
I was very, very shy.

What inspired you, being so shy, to choose the entertainment field?
Actually, I sang the National Anthem at the local baseball field, and a guy came up to me, and he ended up being a band leader for a wedding band, and he asked me to join his wedding band. So I ended up doing weddings and bar gigs starting at like 16 years old, which was probably too young. I started doing that for like eight or nine years. It kind of pushed me in front. I thought I had to get out there and start singing or I’ll never get noticed.

So it is something you always wanted to do?
Oh yeah, there’s nothing else that I would do or want to do.

Do you sing in front of gay crowds?
I’m singing in front of my first gay club, Boots and Saddle.

That’s for the Get Out Awards.
Yeah, so it’s my first ever at a gay club.

You are going  to love it.
I’m excited.

It’s so much more fun than the straight clubs.
I don’t even want to go to straight clubs anymore, to be honest. I just want to be surrounded by gay guys all the time, have drinks with them.

That’s my life.
Exactly. I want to marry one.

Exactly. So you’re ready for this, I can tell. You will love the Get Out Awards.
I’m really excited.

What’s coming up for you?
Well, [my] song [came] out called “I Surrender.”

That’s the song I heard – it’s amazing.
That [came] out May 11. I have so many records coming up this summer out of Russia, out of Italy. My main focus is trying to promote the songs, do as many shows as possible. I’m performing in Chicago for the Gay Pride festival – I’m really excited. I wanna do that all the time, every weekend, and I might even be doing that.

Where are you going to be in 10 years?
I see myself touring. I see myself enjoying myself. I hopefully will have tons of success by then and have enough money to do the things I want to do and keep making music.

You look like you’re a little girl.
I feel like a 15-year-old girl. Ever since I started juicing I feel 17 years old every morning when I wake up.

Do you just juice or do you eat as well?
Gurllll, do I eat. I’m Italian. I eat all the time.

Where are you from originally?
I was born in Brooklyn.

If you could wear a warning label, what would it say?
Asshole: Beware or Stay Out!

If you had to do without one thing in your life – for example, your cell phone, your friends – what would you choose to leave behind?
Well, it wouldn’t be my cell phone. I would throw away my heels, even though I love to wear them for like an hour. If it’s past an hour I’m in pain.

What sign are you?
I’m a Gemini. I basically have multi-personality disorder.

What’s the most fun to you when you’re performing?
I think the most fun is getting the audience’s energy coming right back to you. I think that’s what gives one so much energy when I go on stage, feeding off the audience. I think in the EDM scene there is so much energy, and there is so much craziness. The adrenalin just pumps through my veins.

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you live?
There’s so many. I don’t know if it’s the most embarrassing, but we were having a family party at my house, and I stepped out to get a coffee. When I came back I felt something on my leg. So I jiggled my pant leg – they were baggy pants I was wearing – and a cricket leg came out. The reason why I knew it was a cricket leg was my friend was there, and she said her cat ate dead crickets, so she knew it was a cricket leg. I was like, where’s the rest of the cricket? She told me to pull my pants down, so literally in front of my entire family I had to pull my pants down. I was freaking out. There was this dead…it wasn’t even dead, it was a half-alive cricket hopping out of my pants.

I would not have liked that. If you could pick any celebrity to sleep with, who would you pick?
Channing Tatum. It’s so cliche and so stupid, but I saw a recent movie with him, and he’s hot.

I’m sure at least half of my readers would agree with your choice.

Is your glass half full or half empty?
Half full.

If you could chose two celebrities to be your parents, who would they be?
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and I would also want to be their birth child so I’d be just as pretty as they are.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Are you available, are you single, are you married?
I am not married and not thinking  about getting married. I am dating.

What’s the one thing about yourself that you’d want me to know?
It’s really stupid, but it’s the only thing that popped into my head. The one thing that people don’t know about me is I eat my cereal with my baby spoon from like when I was three years old.

You’re a new addition to the crayon box.What color are you?
I would be leopard fuschia.

I love that color, best answer yet.
That’s cause I’m staring at my leopard shoes and my fuschia heels.

Well, I’m looking forward to meeting you at the Get Out! Awards, and I hope you enjoyed the interview.
This is probably the best interview I ever had.

Thank you – and by the way, you have a really beautiful voice. I meant to tell you that.
Thank you, that means a lot.

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