Alexis Reyes

Alexis Reyes was born in Dominican Republic and moved to New York to pursuit his freelance career as a personal trainer and nutritionist.

He started working out and has dedicated much of his life to sport, exercise and outdoor activities since he was a teenager. He played softball for a few years and even reached the minor leagues in Dominican Republic. Today, Reyes is working in retail in customer service.

“I have a great passion for anything related to physical activities, including the gym, yoga and meditation, and I follow a close dally routine that I created around six years ago,” he says. That includes sleeping a minimum of seven hours a night, waking up early in the morning and exercising five days a week for an hour and a half doing cardio, aerobics, Zumba, abs and medium weight lifting.

As for his diet, before going to the gym he has breakfast of two slices of whole wheat bread, peanut butter, boiled egg and orange juice. His lunch is always low in fat, no fried food or fast food, and full of vegetables, grilled chicken, roasted fish and plenty of water. In the afternoon he has a snack of fruit (apple, yellow plantain, pears, etc.), while dinner is always light and early.

He sees his future working as a nutritionist and food specialist. His favorite hobby is swing and arts.

What: Los Mejores Cuerpos del Verano
When: Sept. 11, 2014, 8 p.m. to midnight
Where: TeTe Club
154 Post Ave., New York, NY 10034


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