A Splash of Color: The Paintings of Geoffrey Doig-Marx

Posh has welcomed back Artist Geoffrey Doig-Marx (GDM) for a new art show that opens April 18. We got to sit down and talk with the artist.

How did you get started as an artist?
I moved to NYC in the 1980s to work as a dancer. It was a different world, and I had some crazy jobs, both performing and survival. New York was so different then. We would run across 42nd Street if we had to go anywhere near there. I got work as a dancer, did several shows, tours, danced in nightclubs and did whatever job would come my way. In 1995 I changed my life and became a choreographer, started my own company and did a lot of work. In 2011 I married the love of my life, started painting and photographing and I am having a blast. It’s my third act.

This is your second time displaying your art at Posh. The last show we saw from you featured all photographs, and these are all paintings?
The first show I did at Posh was called “Bound Voyeuristic Dreams.” They were photographs that had I shot entirely with my iPhone. I had picked up a paintbrush around the same time that I started photographing. I wasn’t trained as a visual artist, I just started doing what I wanted to, and people seemed to like it.

I hear that are also a writer and you’re working on a musical. Is there anything else you are working on?
[laughs] I want to try everything. I am writing a musical called CHOMP with composers Andrea Green and David Shapiro. I have been writing an ongoing blog for the past two years about working and living in NYC in the 80s (adayinthelife-gdm.blogspot.com). And in the fall I am working on a collaboration with photographer Vaughn Stewart for an art installation at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art in New York City.

Rumor has it that you are also in school?
I am currently in school getting my degree. I teach at two colleges and have no degree. It’s a box in my life that I want to check off.

Where can people go if they want to see more of your work?
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and at gdmartist.com.

What: Geoffrey Doig-Marx Opening Night
Where: Posh Bar & Lounge
When: Thursday, April 18

Free champagne & hors d’oeuvres will be served from 8 to 9 p.m. from Bamboo 52 & 123 Burger Shot Beer, followed by DJ JAVIER spinning from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m.


POSH Bar & Lounge 405 W. 51st St., NYC  http://poshbarnyc.com/


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