A Peek at Pixie

New York City’s sensational Latin queen, Pixie Aventura, is renowned for both her incredible dance skills and impeccable lip-sync abilities. Since living here in the Big Apple, I have watched her grow into one of this city’s hottest chicas in heels.

Working with her every Wednesday at a little show called The Help at Therapy, I get to see firsthand just how loved and respected she is by her weekly (and ever-growing) fan base.

Hey guurl! Great show! How do you feel after stepping off that stage not one, but TWO encores later?

Well, definitely tired! Haha! To tell you the truth, I’m not even thinking about it when it happens. I’m going 60 mph on a 30 mph street. It’s the audience that keeps me going, and if they’re having fun, I’m willing to do anything.

You’ve built such a strong following here in New York. What would you say accounts for some of your success in this competitive industry?

Definitely smart, hard work. I’ve been fortunate enough to get many opportunities, but I’ve also specifically picked and chosen all of them. I have to think of myself and be mindful of being able to give 100% versus stretching myself out too thin. I’m also not afraid to make fun of myself. I want to laugh with you and let the drama go somewhere else. But don’t try me; if you come without being called, I will hang up that phone, slam the door, lock up the library and hand you the invoice.

Okrrr! How long have you been doing drag now?

That’s always a hard question. Technically I’ve been doing drag since 2005 in college. I was one of the founding divas of the biannual drag show at Otterbein University (Otterbein College back then). It was fundraiser for many different organizations, including Alopecia Foundation, Equity Fights AIDS and the Columbus LGBT Youth Center. When I moved to NYC my mindset was not to pursue drag but rather only acting. Roads led me back to drag, and I started it up again around 2011. I consider my professional drag career to be six years, but 12 years in the making.

Well, this career path is definitely working for you, babe. You hand design a lot of your own looks. What are some of your biggest inspirations?

There are many nights when I can’t sleep, and I look up clothes and designers and I download any picture that catches my eye. I let those inspire me. Being in hard-performance shows, I also have to be mindful of outfits that would allow
me to perform to the best of my abilities. It’s hard for me to able to go out with a specific, intricate look, because I usually am in drag for work. But overall I end up creating something for myself, or from a nice little Asian fairy, Yuhua Hamasaki. I ask a lot out of her. I do love Zac Posen and Alexander McQueen. Their designs range from beauty and structure to dark and chaos.

McQueen is LEGENDARY! Speaking of queens, who are some of your favorite queens to work with here in New York?

Well, I have to say, for the most part I enjoy working with all my drag girls, but there are two that come to mind immediately. The first one is my gurl Bob the Drag Queen, my co-creator for The Help. To this day we can get together and make something fierce happen after a long time of not seeing each other. Then my other sis happens to be my current co-host at The Help, Monet X Change. We have too much fun at the show, kiki-ing or just talking shit. We should only be so lucky to have a job we truly enjoy.

I hear ya; it is truly a blessing to be able to go into work loving what you do. What advice would you offer to other girls out there who want to rise to the level of success that you have?

FOCUS ON YOURSELF! There’s a big difference between throwing shade at other drag queens and talking pointless crap about other queens. I believe that drag has no definition; all are welcome. As an artist, in general, you will never stop growing, so there shouldn’t be time to focus on other people’s “flaws,” because you’re not perfect either. Don’t be jaded because someone else has a gig and you don’t. They earned it just like you’ll earn your own successes. The best community comes from enjoying everyone’s differences with a dash from the shade tree. Isn’t that a thought for current events?

Haha, AGREED. So what’s next for Pixie Aventura?

I truly try to focus on the present. I feel as a society we want to figure out what the future holds, but once that arrives, so much time has passed by. That’s sort of where I am. I know what my passions are and what makes me happy; therefore, I try to enjoy the present. There’s always so much going on anyways. There are certain numbers or looks that I have never planned for, and then I’m excited and surprised when they come out of nowhere.

As far as what’s next for me, I can only say I will continue to push myself to new places. My persona of Pixie Aventura has allowed me to open new doors in different fields, and that’s what I’m excited for. Even if drag isn’t my peak as a performer,
it has become a very essential learning tool for the rest of my life.

Well, I’m excited to see where you go and what’s in store for you. You’re honestly one of my favorite people in the world. See you next Wednesday!

Pixie performs Sundays at Barracuda, Tuesdays at Hardware, Wednesdays at Therapy, Thursdays at Industry and Fridays at the Laurie Beechman Theatre.

Pixie Aventura on Facebook
@pixieaventura on Instagram

James Wells on Facebook
@sirjameswells on Instagram

A New York favorite, Therapy opens at 5 pm everyday with food, happy hour, and drag shows all week long.

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